Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

They could have just given 3 options. Male - Female - Thing


Dracthyr have 4 options to change their body mass.

That is Not the same as what people are talking about here

Ooooo scathing. You sure showed me.

Body type like “big” or “slim” are not the same thing as biological sex, which is what those selections were.

Don’t conflate the two


That’s because this is like the “Social Contract” brouhaha. It’s a change designed to offend the loudest voices, who are the right winger having apoplexy right now.

The “Social Contract” wouldn’t have even been controversial if they had entitled it “Updated terms of service”. They wanted players to be fighting. That keeps them from asking the hard questions that should be asked, and there are a lot of those.

While you feel one way as a trans woman there are other trans and non-binary individuals who feel the opposite.

Jumping the shark means to run out of ideas. They ran out of ideas for Happy Days episodes so they had Fonzie jump over a pool with a shark in it on a motorcycle.

I am definitely not a right winger I am firmly center. Blizzard is in in Cali which soon makes it illegal to call someone male or female. This is what happens when the pendulum swings to far left just as we see when it goes to far right. Both sides are draconian and overbearing. Both sides force agendas that aren’t productive to the common good. This change is just a symptom of a larger malaise within our society.


Oh don’t worry. I’m sure it will hit Classic too. It’s an all devouring void that can never be satiated.

Another amazing take. Thank you.

I would upvote this 500 times if I could.

Then let us chat and find out why that such a terrible change makes them deep so much better? Beyond fetishized our life or those AGP who will contort it into something it’s not. How os that a healthy experience?

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Nah people prefer to be outraged over pointless things that don’t have any effect on their lives.

Somehow its gives them relevancy in their lives they are so sadly missing.

Funny , in irl on my hrt my voice is a hell of alot deeper than it was 2 years ago.

That’s one example, and it’s the first example. But it can also mean when a series has exhausted their creative capacity and are now introducing additional features that on the surface seem exciting but are only superficial changes that fail to add innovation or depth to their product.

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Incorrect, this very much affects my life. It mocks it in a very real way. And that is offensive. That is the issue at hand. We as trans people need to get over ourselves that we aren’t that special. The world doesn’t need to cater to us, it doesn’t need to change. Forcing people to accept you isn’t the way to get them to accept you.

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Who is fetishizing anyone? You do realize that there are trans and non-binary game designers who are actively working on this and other avenues for inclusion for more players.

There’s not going to be a law banning the terms male & female in California. Stop fear mongering

It actually wouldn’t shock me at this point.


So rather than putting in the effort to finally add beards to female dwarves.

They did the lazy design choice of just calling the Male “Body 1” so then you can identify as female and have the beard.

And we’re supposed to applaud this lack of effort?

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It’s not the HRT alone, not every FTM gets a deeper voice through HRT alone. A good portion of it is the social conditioning. For MTF the feminizing hormones cause no changes and it’s entirely self focused.

I live in California and it’s not going to happen. It’s fearmongering and flat out lies. The only group of people making other group of people illegal are right wingers who fear LGBTQIA+ people being allowed to exist.

I am well aware how it works and aware not all go through the exact same changes

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