Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Is body 2 the fem version? If so, I’m offended. I want the fem version to be body 1. Using a numerical ranking system is reflective of a misogynistic hierarchy and I identify w the number 1, but not w Blizzard’s body type association connected to it.



Because you have a different opinion. That’s not allowed when it comes to the T army.


Don’t feel bad on that. I was laughing when it was Tide Pods

Doesn’t bother me a bit. Otherwise I’d have said so. I think both groups are acting kind of pathetic.

But hey for those wanting cults Heaven’s Gate one is still accepting memebers on their website

Blizzard is in CA where it will soon be illegal to use gendered language, so they are just preparing for the inevitable.

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I’m planning on making a mal… sorry, body 1 and T-mogging a swimsuit on the character and named it Williamthomas. If I make it a KT I’ll even get a swim speed increase!

As a cis person of whatever lingo you want to use, it doesn’t matter to me at all. Let people enjoy stuff, if this makes someone feel better about themselves, puts a smile on their face then good.

Nothing changes for us body 1, male, or whatever else they want to call it. Be more secure, and stop looking for an issue when their isn’t one.

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You’re bad faith arguing about a change that has zero effect on you. Play the game and ignore it. If you’re incapable of handling it, I suggest you vote with your wallet and quit.

Basically, you explain your opinion by calling me a bad faith actor, which is also an opinion. Okay got it. That makes sense.


Blizzard did this for the free PR.

They know a huge part of the community will be annoyed by those changes so Blizzard can come in and look like “the good guys”. Nothing but a hollow attempt to make the larger crowd forget about all the bad press and sexual assaults that happened.

The LGBT+ crowd should be infuriated at this pathetic attempt of buying their support, but then again, said crowd is often starved for attention and love to buy “virtual” fights with people.

All according to Bobby’s big plan.


Frankly more concerned about the state of the nation these days over it being a pr attempt or not.

If you’re annoyed by these changes you’re a massive dweeb. It’s the joke fiasco all over again.

Who honestly cares, jesus christ.

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The Dracthyr have four body types. It isn’t unreasonable to believe that rather than this being some enormous thing that people are actually throwing tantrums over, it’s just laying the groundwork for adding future body types for size differences.

It’s funny when one side claims that the other is offended by everything and then turns around and gets offended by a change to a decision you likely don’t even take five seconds thinking about during character creation. Think the WoW community not only jumped the shark, it jumped the whole ocean with these over the top reactions.

Yeah, you shouldn’t be surprised that a lot of the “common folk” are bigots. It is just the human nature to hate anything that is different.

Still, they are just pushing the “us vs them” fight. One of the oldests trick in the book to divert attention from problems that truly matter.

Like when Blizzard’s investigation concluded that Blizzard is innocent and the higher ups had nothing to do with mistreatment of employees.

Considering so many other games do it this way not sure why Blizzard making this change is considered pandering instead of just updating the game to be more consistent with current times. Faces are just listed as numbers now I’m using face 41 for this character. Changing to body 1 & 2 opens the doors for types 3,4 & 5 later the same way the changes to how they coded faces, hair and skin tone opened up the ability to add more customization options like jewelry and tattoos.

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Imagine had the reverse of all this happened, that it was always body type 1 and 2, but Blizzard changed it the other way. All these people acting like it is no big deal would be throwing a temper tantrum that makes this look tame.


Most of the characters in WOW are not people. What makes you think Orcs, Elves, Tauren, Gremlins and the rest all follow the xx/xy scheme of DNA?

Also, these species evolved on Azeroth, not Earth. Even the human looking things might not have the same DNA even though they look similar to humans.

I’m all for inclusion, and I’d be totally down with more variety in ethnic skin colors, facial features, body structures, masculine/feminine voices, and emotes.

But taking away the gender icon and title is not that.


Because one side of the political spectrum is literally advocating for it to be illegal.

Should it be political? No. But one side is doing everything it can to oppress it. Via laws on the books and laws being targeted.

The side defending being LGBTQ+ is not making it political.

Rights are literally being targeted. Today. To be removed. To be made unavailable. Because one specific side sees this as a political issue to be stamped out.