Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

I may have giggled a little to hard at the horse dewormer for the last 2 years


did that make sense in your head or something?


Blizzard decided I have a limited number of likes so hereā€™s a heart


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I like fuzzy socks. I really like knitted socks. They are so warm.

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And isnā€™t it outrageous we donā€™t have fuzzy sock transmogs in game yet? I think it is.

Imagine being able to transmog feet. Must be nice. Why canā€™t I have wheels in my heels?


As far as I can tell the only real purpose behind all of the new terms to describe the same things we have known for years is to cause division and strife.

Everything about all of this thats happened in the last 10 years is absolutely stupid and has caused so much strife no matter which side of the fence people are on.

Colossal waste of everyoneā€™s timeā€¦sigh


Itā€™s text.

On a button.

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Oh to that point.

Then why change it if thats the case?

Its just text right?


well look at the other side why was it a problem it was just a small thing it didnā€™t matter it said male/female so ya go away with your stupid arguments saying its just a small thing it never should of been changed in the first place cause it donā€™t matter your words not mine. we all know what this is truly about not that they care lol.

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I think that wound be fun! :stuck_out_tongue:

If they are going to be adding MORE body optionsā€¦ it stands to reason to have place holder text as body type 1 body type 2 would make sense if they are going to be adding body type 3 body type 4 for testing. After testing, then give each type a proper label.

And there is no argument against it, except to appeal to your cult.

I can play this game too.

sheesh. do you even listen to yourself?


You do realize dismissing me because ā€œI am in a cultā€ā€¦is attacking a person who disagrees with youā€¦right?

It doesā€¦but.

Body type 1
Body type 2

Thats work too doesnt it?

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Eh to a degree. If the male and female are in their default slots yes but if they are going to be changed all together then no.

Honestlyā€¦ it isnā€™t that big of a deal. Lot of games even old ones had icons for gender or what not.

Or text for body types or body type sliders.

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It doesnt matter true as long as it isnt done for political ish reasons. That the driving force for friction on this. If that kind of stuff hadnt been so prevalent over the last 5-10 years I cant imagine anyone would care as much.

If it is. then removing Male and Female is just as anti inclusive as the current naming was.

Id say it would be fine as I suggested it. Nothing wrong with male and female.



People want it to stay for political-ish reasons.

But LGBTQ isnā€™t political itself. People make it political because of whatever reason honestly. The whole thing of gender etc isnā€™t something in the last 5 to 10 years either. Sure, itā€™s gotten into the news more in the last 5 to 10 years but thatā€™s also because of more rights etc becoming available.

Itā€™s just a number, itā€™s just a icon. Itā€™s text. Itā€™s how someone wants to simply represent their character.

The reason people perceive it as dividing etc is because people are letting it be dividing.

Thereā€™s that too.

(it wouldnā€™t let me quote the vid)

Pretty much.

Please explain to me how I was being a bigot.

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As someone who played sports in an environment like that, ie little league football was based on weight class, it sucked. I was taller and heavier than most kids my age so in 4th grade I was on the team with kids going into high school football. My friends were being taught how to get into a 4 point stance and I was practicing hitting trees and getting yelled at for not trying hard enough.

Its funny, people never seem to want to put the faster or more agile kids in their own leagues because, well they are just better athletes, but have someone taller or heavier? Dude they have an advantage, even if they can barely move.

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