Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Hasnt datamined results show you will still pick your pronoun/gender?

Not that your pronouns are basically EVER referenced in game.

So once again. People are complaining basically only about the character customization screen, one they won’t even see if they don’t make another character going forward, and just play with their current guys.

And if they do see it, will take about about 3 seconds of their time?

This is what they are complaining about.


I am a transwoman, been out since 2013. I stand firmly against this BS from Blizzard. Way to jump on the TRA bandwagon. I wanted to like DF, I truly did but this is going to make me reconsider staying subscribed. If I wanted to hear TRAs screech about “did you just assume my gender” I would go to Twitter. This isn’t about inclusion but pandering to the lowest common denominator in the trans community. Give me a game with solid mechanics and story first before trying to mix and match body types with voices.


Notice how the people supporting this change dont actually make an argument for it, they just say its meaningless, you shouldnt care, not a big deal…

They are changing it to appeal to a new religious cult, not trans people. And the cultists are here to defend it.


If you all don’t believe me I will provide my Twitter handle, I get enough TRAs wishing death or worse on me already so what would be a few more from a Blizzard forum.

Notice the people not supporting the change don’t actually make an argument. Just “I dont like it and i refuse to acknowledge how this wont really effect me”


Thank you for proving my point, you are not making argument for it, you are just attacking people who disagree with it.

Because there is no argument for it, except to appeal to your cult.


Meanwhile the old religious cult is big mad


i think this change is 1) nice, and 2) so incredibly not worth spending energy getting upset about it

really, y’all are talking about this more than y’all are talking about the sexual harassment investigation, and that’s kinda weird


Surprisingly there are those of us who aren’t religious and don’t want your new infinite gender religion in the games we play.

If they are adding body 1 and body 2 maybe they should add Joseph Smith to the game to be inclusive of Mormons while they are at it?


y’all really have one joke huh


Still havent made an argument for it. Cause you cant, because its nonsense.


TRAs don’t want inclusion they want a special status above everyone else. They scream the loudest but make no effort “I just feel like a woman”. What does this add to a game thats been struggling for a few expansions now, you get in on the fender ideology. This is what has us in the trans community worried that only TRA voices are being heard. And yes I’m vocal about this because those of us who disagree with the TRAs need to speak up that this is not okay.

Just another way to fetishize the trans experience. It’s funny though you will get the large bearded models with a female voice… so typical TRA demands to be considered a woman but makes no attempt to do so.


why would i make an argument for something so inconsequential that it’s baffling people get angry about it?

also, i like seeing you mad. you’re cute when you’re mad.

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I believe you, but I wouldn’t recommend doing that. I’ve had my posting privileges suspended for linking something that identified who I was to prove a point.

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You really love making my point.

There is no arguing for this change, everyone knows it, but you support it to be part of the cult.

Now Ill leave you troll these forums.


I like the change. Hopefully it flushes some of the alt-right types out of the community. :wave:


They’ll go back to Add ons again. I haven’t seen a single anti ad on thread in 3 days.

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It’s a harmless change. It doesn’t hurt cis people like myself, and helps non-cis people who also play this game.

But at the end of the day, it’s not so big a deal as to throw a tantrum about it. No one asked for this change, but most of us recognize it as a good change at best, and a completely ignorable change at worst. I think most of us are responding because we’re absolutely flabbergasted that people like you are throwing such a fit about it.

How is this a “religious cult?” It’s LITERALLY text on a pair of buttons.


You’re trying to rationalize with the same people who likely took horse dewormer in the past 2 years.


It’ll be no fuzzy sock transmog outrage, because I need no fuzzy sock transmog outrage in my life.