Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

That’s the thing though. The change removed gender identity all together and replaced it with only body type. Straight, gay, and trans all identify with a gender, but Blizzard still removed gender for body type.

IMO, that change is neither meaningful nor inclusive.


Good point which may suggest some ones rights are superior to some one else’s rights.

(naturally born woman competing against transgender’s in sports is another example)

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I think people are overlooking the obvious.
These changes were made because Female Dwarfs do not exist.

Talk about being bullied and harassed. I make a post, and a chunk of the responses are insults, belittlement, and name calling.

This is why I don’t even bother to comment and/or like another person’s post in the first place. It’s absurd that the very people who pretend to champion kindness and inclusion are the first ones to attack a person’s character rather than actually address their points.

I see it as a problem, that the character customization feature has removed genders and replaced them with generic body 1 and body 2. That move alienates 99% of players - straight, gay, and trans alike.


I’ve seen this in other MMORPGs, didn’t care then, don’t care now. However, it seems more like virtue signaling and a PR stunt on ActiBlizz’s part than actual inclusion.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


There HAS to be something in the water supply…


I also agree that SOME transgender women do have an advantage. Sports should be regulated as such. Perhaps no more Male/Female but weight, strength, size, etc…? I am not sure, but I do think a male who has transitioned to female, in SOME cases, does have an advantage and it makes it unfair for everyone else. Inclusion is great, but not when it excludes others. We need to find a good balance. This seems like overkill , but what do I know?


It literally doesn’t.

You want to make a female toon? You pick the body type that is female.

It’s that simple.


Lots of Games do this now. It doesn’t matter, I don’t take it personally.

I don’t think, in the 18 years I’ve played WoW, that I’ve ever even noticed it said ‘Male’ or ‘Female’. Weren’t there just the icons?

That option doesn’t exist in alpha; it is Body 2 now.

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The liberals want people to quit the game, but they themselves never quit the game when it didnt cater to their Alphabet mentality. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Right now it’s icons with the traditional male/female sign and a mouseover text saying male/female.

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your points are bad and have been addressed thoroughly in one of the dozens of threads that have already been posted about this imaginary issue


He has a very good point. Sorry you cannot see it.


MMO champion is showing the feature as Body 1 with a male looking silhouette and Body 2 with a female looking silhouette. The traditional male icon (circle with a arrow) and female icon (circle with a plus) are gone. And nowhere does it say male or female in the mouse over text.

No they don’t. They know you don’t actually care enough about this issue and just want to be outraged online about an extremely minor thing.

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I don’t pretend for one second that want inclusion for bad faith arguing bigots.

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Then what are you complaining about?

I’ll start of saying that I don’t really care either about the change. I think it’s pointless but it’s also not something I’d get upset over. But wanted to stop by and point out your sitting here talking about blizzard supposedly cutting budget yet they just added 100 development staff to the game… So after seeing they are in fact not cutting costs on the game development it really just sounds kind of trashy your complaining

Oh no the horrors of choosing body type then gender in a video game. Whatever shall we do?