Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Oh look, yet another one of these threads… * eye roll *

I don’t get why people just dont pick the pronouns they want and shut up.

It’s like social media stuff.

You want to be called a woman? Pick that. You want to be called a man pick him he. If you are non-binary pick they.

If you dont want people knowing your gender pick they.

That stuff is just moving to another box. Who knows if gameplay dialogue will even change.


Remember when people were losing their minds over fruit? Better times.

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No one would be here defending the change if so many losers weren’t absolutely losing their minds over it. Our response would just be “huh, that’s nice” and moving on with our day.


Then it means the change has meaning if they feel the need to defend it against those who disagree, but they are the ones telling people to shut up because it is meaningless.

So are the other people losers for caring about a meaningless change they don’t like, or are the people defending it losers because it is a meaningless change and they like it?

I just want consistency; it is either meaningless or it isn’t. It can’t situational be important if you agree, but be unimportant if you don’t have the agreeing opinion.


People just scared of change I guess :man_shrugging:. Or don’t know about the pronouns stuff.

Either way all my characters will be he. Even the body 2s.

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I find it funny we can do this but there is no way a Tauren can align with the Alliance.

What about MY inclusion?

Trans and gay and frankly not offended or feeling like its pandering or anything.
Frankly gender in game to me is which ever one feel like playing that day.

Frankly all these posts are making the changes and all are more pandering than what they are working on in game.

Oh well maybe by tommorow we’ll have yet another week long repeat spam threads about something else.

it wont matter if you already have established characters as they will have their proper terms in mouseover info

I am just here to see all the people complain about things that won’t effect their gameplay in anyway I can possibly see.

Oh, the outrage is very real.

It’s also very dumb.

It took resources?

It took resources to change two strings and two icons? Man it probably took less than half an hour. And most of that would be making the icons.

Change two icons, and change two strings. Wow, so much coding.

I highly doubt this cost us any serious development time, it’s such a minor change

Finally, for the TEN BILLIONTH TIME in the past two days, genders still exist in WoW. It’s just that those two icons just don’t explicitly label them.

You’re not being excluded.

Nothing has changed.

Calm. The. Flip. Down


Until the changes go live, then we have to go through this drama all over again…

Person A “I don’t like this change!”
Person B “That’s because you’re a far right extremist!”
Person A “No I’m not.”
Person B “Just what an extremist would say!”


Not looking forward to it.

Oh no we have to choose a body type, and a gender identity? Oh no the horrors
Whatever shall we do?

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For those saying people shouldnt get upset because it is a “meaningless” change, question. If it is such a meaningless change, why make the change in the first place? Where were all the posts asking for the icons to be changed? Noone was asking for this, so it leads me to believe its being done to conform to the societal “norms” now pervading our world, aka, virtue signaling. Now, notice all the posts about this in the past 2 days. Obviously people dont like it, or else why would they take the time to say it. Simply saying “if you dont like it quit the game” is foolish speak. The same could be said about those that are celebrating this change, why did they not “quit the game” up to this point since it clearly wasnt up to their standards? One word to describe the Alphabet Soup crowd… hypocrites.


It would take more time to complain about the change than the 5 seconds in game to just…continue on.

If this change bothers you so much that you need to complain about those 5 seconds on forums…

Yes. I strongly believe the complaints about this are mostly from hypocrites.

They are really putting a spotlight on themselves, showing how irrational they are.

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Allow me to ask you a question, Cloud. Why did you make a new thread on this matter? There are several. If your ‘point’ was strong enough, it’d stand out all its own, no matter where it is.

Apply this to your thread, dude.

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Once more in case OP missed it.


Its two 100x100 pixel buttons… shut up