Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

I saw that episode of South Park when it aired. Making the choice to have your genitals removed and replace with a wound that will never heal and never work as intended seems like a pretty clear sign the dude is nuts.


To be entirely fair, societies don’t EXACTLY fall to war and such- at least, its not that simple. Throughout history you will find that damn near every civilization that has been ended in such a way was first weakened from the inside. Only after that weakening do the external forces overcome them. America today is a good example of this, we’re falling apart from the inside.


most languages use gendered terms for everything. english is one of the tiny few that doesnt and the people pushing all this stuff are from english speaking places who do not understand this and do not seem to realize or rather do not care who they offend as long as a tiny portion of people get happy at the cost of alienating everyone else.


You’re obviously cis I get that so I get it, but there are people who identify as non-binary and identify with neither male or female.

People don’t want to be seen as male or female they want to be seen as a body. By defining this as body 1 body 2 it allows to people to still identify with their body type but without the label that makes them uncomfortable.

Also intersex people do exist and this does help include them in the game.

While I know it’s a small change in a small aspect of the game it does make people genuinely feel better.

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GCS is a literal pouch they gouge into your body. While I understand for some it can ease body Dysphoria and that’s okay, for some of us it is even more dysphoric because it only looks the part. It’s not actually part of anything, just a window dressing. No cervix, no endometrial shedding, none of the biology that goes with it.

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We all know how inaccurate South Park is on things

You can have Body 1 and Body 2 without removing Male and Female. Just have a checkbox.

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Toppest Kek. The irony!


Are you talking to me? Do you want my Twitter handle? I don’t care if I get banned at this point. It will settle this debate once and for all.

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Why is it so hard to use the word normal. Society should not bend to delusions of a tiny fraction of the population. Birth defects are not a gender.


So true! Imagine all the fallout if we all had to start speaking a language where there is a masculine or feminine form for literally everything! XD


So force the 99% to conform to the >1% who identify this way.

It probably makes a very large % more feel worse.


If people are actually getting paid to come up with ideas like this (removing genders for body icons), then it is my opinion that WoW’s budget is being spent unwisely.

Blizzard should reallocate the money on things like bringing back Community Managers (Blizzard, bring back Ythisens please) or early start game creation projects that give inexperienced hopeful upstarts a chance to learn the trade through mentorships.

I mean, anything seems more productive than this really.


In a world with mental illness, physical deformities. Why question that some people come out with different minds and bodies that don’t match. Why is that such a stretch? Does it scare you?

Because there are presumably going to be a body 3 and body 4 perhaps with more variation or androgynous silhouette

That’s great.

Oh no, what a horrible travesty. If only there was a way you could select your pronouns independently of your different body type options.

i know, these people are wondering why we are going to asian entertainment. this thread and many on it is why.


Well, considering they understand they just moved the gender choice to a different area (IE choosing your pronouns) I think they’re getting paid just fine. It seems you’re probably getting overpaid, though.



You’re adding an unnecessary step for people who don’t want, nor should have to take.


Why does changing from male to body 1 make you feel worse?

I’m sorry that’s so stupid, it’s a character creator saying a slighting different word to describe yourself.

That’s not conforming.

If it’s really that important I hope you can see why the other side of the issue also cares.

Why do you get to care but I don’t?