Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Well that really depends on how well you area works with informed consent to be honest about it. You don’t support IC which is fine but there are many places where IC Drs and clinics that actually work really well .

I go to one that runs that way and they are very informed and close liasons to main hospital where I am with a like a gazzilion resources.

There is no more danger in IC clinics than any other .In fact most IC places now have gender affirming doctors and staff than know what they are doing and what patients are getting into and keep just as close track on levels and what not as much as a gender affriming . At end of day either can be bad or good and IC is just that IC of you are aware of what you are doing aware of everything risks and all and accepting that.

I think that’s probably the most amusing thing. They can call it hamburger and cheeseburger instead of body 1 and 2 and most people are still going to say male or female.


Yeah, because that’s what they’re called.


There is no critical reasoning. Just blindly following a narrative so that TRAs don’t attempt to destroy their careers. Therapists aren’t allowed to ask questions because it’s considered “conversion therapy” so they blindly write life altering medications without doing their medical due diligence and that is wrong. Being trans doesn’t exclude us from the medical/scientific process.

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Really? I didn’t even know that…

Because the people behind this change, I am referring to the individuals not necessarily the entire company - do not believe in the concept of biological sex.

they believe in gender fluidity, and there is no male or female within this concept. They think that those terms are incorrect and outdated, so they should be removed.

(Which funnily enough contradicts ideas behind transgenderism)

I am not making this up, I have met gender study professors who think this. And in fact have seen several people within these forums who echod such sentiments.


Conservatives are a bane to the existence of humanity and its progression towards a better life for all.

That’s a pretty :clown_face: take my dude.

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I wish I could name drop those on Twitter to see how far unglued TRAs have became but I don’t think I’m allowed. I see their words echoed here and it’s distressing.

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they deny reason logic reality they believe everyone has to believe as they do or their racist or sexist or whatever they have become very cult like in their demands and the attack on people who dont follow them they will go to lengths to ruin peoples lives companies image just to get what they want they are evil people who make people who want to go along with them bad they are infact a bad influcence on everyone around them.


Ya that’s true usually society collapses because of wars/conquered, famine, diseases, etc but not over stuff like this smh


Sinking. Ship.

FFS, they watch common sense fail and reason unravel, and call it “progress”.
They invent “scientific facts” to validate themselves all the while being contrary to said science.


You don’t have to name drop. I see it everywhere too.

Look right above :rofl:

You seemed to have confused degeneracy with progress.


Dude, touch grass. lmao


All human beings deserve to life a life without their rights being denied. This group is in complete denial of reality. And if they can’t have their way then noone can.

They don’t without talking to the patient first you went to one according to your words. And beleive it or not… Starting HRT does not require a full mental health eval in alot of areas in this day and age.AHS Asylum has a good example of that.

Conversion therapy is usually used for the wrong reasons and was forced in some areas.Tread careful with that one.

Also I really don’t think your experience at IC clinic was that informed because there are several that do . In fact I had 2 over phone appointments during the lockdowns and 1 in person including therapist and was about a month process in all. So yeah IC clinics actually do have you talk to Dr, NP and therapist.Maybe not where you are . I just know about my state and city.

Hey it’s working. I don’t care already!

GCS is much more… terrifying. They don’t cut it off. They snip it up the middle and then invert it, using part of the colon (due to how it can stretch) as well for added depth. But the after care is painful. Constant use of dialators as it seals so it doesn’t seal shut and then a lifetime of that if you ever hope to use it.

If your doctor messes up even a tiny bit you’re looking at a total loss of feeling or numbness or in the worst case constant tingling pain. This is forever. You will always have that upkeep. It’s not natural so no self lubricants, stretching or cleaning as a womens body would.


It just reminds me of when there was a big thing about trying to remove gendered language from things (manhole cover) when it’s mostly innocuous stuff. Removing the labels isn’t going to stop people from saying male and female because it’s far less clumsy than saying body 1 and body 2.