Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

And being a jack hole about it is NOT the way to get people to understand.

No matter how I approach the subject, I get attacked about it.

And It is about EVERYONE. Making it NOT about me is the very definition of “exclusion”. Buy nice try.

If you aren’t willing to have a CIVIL discussion, without being rude, then don’t respond. I have a lot to learn, but I will never learn it from you with your approach and that’s kind of sad.


That’s not how it works but good job. Also can’t have LGBTQIA+ individuals without the cis and the hetros among us.

Stop feeding the troll. Seriously I’m leaving now but stop feeding them they do this on purpose to get attention

Yes, you typed one sentence on 4 or 5 different rows. It was literally hard to read.

no its not.

LOL. This is the best thing ive read in a week. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. You literally believe that keeping it male / female is right wing pandering you lunatic. LMAO. You are literally insane.


It’s a bit different. Calling someone a bigot because you disagree is one thing, whereas you have to ACTUALLY be mentally ill to want to mutilate your body and pretend to be another gender than what you really are.


When did I misgender?

What? I’m advocating for maintaining male and female as their gender identities. Removing those words and replacing them with body types excludes people who identify as such.


I am sorry.

I guess I should just call everyone I dont like mentally ill, whine I am being attacked and being called names, misrepresent facts and what is actually going on…all the while calling others delusional.

Keep your emotions out of this.

Ok. You are just full stupid. I will move on.

You can’t fix stupid and bigotry online.

I should know not to attempt

Makes sense. I shouldn’t expect rational responses from someone that lacks the reading ability of a 3rd grader.

If changing it away from male/female is left wing, then by default…keeping it to what you want. What the Right wing wants…is pandering to the Right.

This is why we can’t have nice things

The religious nut jobs of the right will force their views on you, to the point of death. Like what they are literally trying to do America. Right now.

Anyways. I got my idiotic bigot conversation quota in for the day. Laters.

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If you wanted a debate, you’re always free to go debate Destiny.

You were being one to start with if you read your post, before anyone even responded to you. Treat people the way you want to be treated in that case~

No, it’s not. Try the definition of exclusion, and look into the paradox of intolerance next time.

Again, take your own advice.

Incorrect, you may want to look into what the definition of the word and learn the different types of DSM. :3 It hasn’t been categorized as such a thing for quite a long time.

Then again, quick question. How many people do you know that uh, were mutilated at birth? I’m sure you know what I mean by this, too.

Also nice job liking people’s posts on 5-6 of your alts lmao. That’s considered ‘sock-puppeting’ on the forums, btw.

No one’s forcing jack :poop: on children.

Stop watching Newsmax.

Hey guys, it is now right wing pandering to not change male / female, as it has been for all of human history, to made up lefty BS that has become popular over the last few years. You heard it here first.

“its right wing pandering if you don’t give me what i want”

Biggest LUL of the month for me


I really wish Blizzard had left this can of worms unopened. These forums don’t have the collective brain cells needed for it.



Later bro.

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So here’s something I don’t get. If they truly wanted to be as inclusive as possible, why not just add a third option?

1: male with male character models
2: female with female character models
3: unspecified with male and female character models.


why do you think florda passed the law they did their trying to pervert the young this leftist ideology is evil self destructive.


Because Pronouns is where you will be deciding on such things, and there will be additional body types added later. Like Dracthyr have FIVE body types, and of course no body type is specific to any gender.

Probably getting banned…

Because those groups of TRAs use self-ID and their AGP to get into spaces they don’t belong. They walk around nude in changing rooms taunting to get a response to get women who were there first banned from their own spaces. They dye their hair pink and say they are she/her but make no effort to medical transition, instead they make blind demands of women to be in their spaces.

If you go through male puberty the testosterone in your body gives you an unfair biological advantage over women. Yet they say they are women so they can compete when prior they were a mediocre athlete at best. That is not advancing trans rights that is solely about ego and vanity. Why don’t you see FTM in male sports? Because they wouldn’t stand a chance now of that logic applies then it applies to MtF. This is what I am against.

TRAs will tell you this advances the rights of everyone. I call BS, no it is about ego. Anyone who disagrees is shouted down and threatened. I have the death threat DMs to prove it. That is why I stand against them. Because I see it and I live it every day.


Because Blizzard’s new diversity hires had too much coffee, and think Male and Female are no-no words.


Full stupid? Good argument lmao.


I hate to burst your bubble, but I don’t have any forum alts. Frankly, I just don’t care that much.

Whatever helps you cope, though.


I’ve been wondering about that and am hoping that Classic character creation is left the way it is now (Male/Female) ostensibly to please the No Changes crowd there.