Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Bigot is just what they call you when you don’t agree with their weird world view. Has as much punch to it as being called a poo poo head.


Probably me.

I do have an issue with calling bigots…bigots.

I do as well still disagree but always interesting to have unique perspectives.

Okay you’re actually trolling lmfao


Not my fault that your comment was that asinine and hard to understand.

Here comes the bad faith BS. I specifically demonstrated the answer to your question via my return question. my ‘question’ is meant to make a point. I’m not going to sit here and type specific responses to a list of questions when it can be handled at a macro level. I am saying that it is idiotic behavior by blizzard and have communicated why i think that pretty clearly. you’ve tried to get down into the weeds but you fail to address, even at a high level, how being politically annoying is not an idiotic move by blizzard.

You are in support of their idiotic behavior because you too are an idiot, and that is okay. If you’d like to continue this conversation, then you can explain why you would be okay with blizzard blatantly pandering to right wing politics if that were the case.



But you do keep avoiding my responses that continuously show you don’t understand whats going on.

Well under way for awhile, aye.

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Considering Body type 2 is clearly bigger than 5’4 which they were born as. And assuming you see them as still a male even though they are clearly a trans woman you are definitely on a winning argument here.

This is where I diverge from TRAs. I do not support self-ID or informed consent because the “informed” part is often totally inaccurate. I went to the Mazzoni center in Philadelphia when I first transitioned. I had my appointment then in two weeks I had another and walked out with HRT. I’ve changed since then and realized how dangerous that path is.

It is not bigotry to disagree with some one. I disagree with a lot of the TRA talking points but those would probably get me banned for mentioning it.


Kinda like the way you call people…

It’s made even funnier when the same person liked your post on 6 alts.

I don’t think anyone was born as 5’4


Nothing new, that’s been going on forever and a day since the dawn of creation

Why are they TRAs and not just people that want to be treated as the gender they identify as? What makes them TRAs? Is there a singular definition you are using to label this as a TRA action?

Did all the periods confuse you or something? You did state you struggled with that.

Your entire answer was “but would you like right wing stuff thrown in your face”. Discounting it literally already is.

Of course you (and no one else) will.

When you give a specific response, it displays how you aren’t having a rational line of thought, because that response can be picked apart. If you keep it vague, no one can really disagree with you. Because you didn’t say anything.

Keeping it male/female literally is pandering to right wing politics, per your own line of thought.

Thank you for agreeing with basically everything I have stated.

One trick pony here claiming that everybody dodges its questions. big debate lord


Anyways I’m leaving but Robert Cayle was a great dracula.

Nice try to deflect but you clearly know what I mean. You are purposefully misgendering someone arguing for the same thing you are, while I am arguing for their right to be who they are and be treated as such.

its a cult at this point started at universities now pushed into the companies by those who left them its gotten so bad they want to force it on children which is why we are passing laws to outlaw it for children.


I’ve responded to every brain dead reply you’ve made man. Your logic is bad and this change is terrible regardless of what you think. Making the 99% change and accept something for the >1% is just cringe and pandering. The culture shift isn’t inclusive in the slightest, it’s exclusive to the few.


Mate I am not part of an official cult I’m just a loner with my own perspectives just like you are.