Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Because using any other image would turn it into a tripple X show

I transitioned in 2013 I was 28. HRT doesnā€™t stop facial hair growth. It slows it down but only medical intervention can stop it for a time like laser. So I do shave every day before makeup goes on for work. It is an upkeep to maintain my appearance but I know women who have to Sam have their face as well. Thatā€™s not my issue. The issue is a male model with a full beard, female voice and she/her pronouns

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Yup thats me. Been chasing a fad for over 20 years. Thatā€™s totally how this works

Nope, body type 1 and 2 still doesnā€™t mean anything. There is no meaning behind those terms. There are, however, words that actual indicate what your gender is, if only there were already established words presented in the game. Hmm.

Body type 1 you mean?


No where in game will ā€œbody type 1ā€ be my gender identification.


Its a character creation customization.

Guess it was too complicated for you lmao.

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So you do know that it isnā€™t out of the realm of possibility for someone to identify as trans and still have facial hair. Should we misgender them because they have some facial hair?

Or are you openly admitting to being a bigot towards your fellow trans individuals?

Trust me man, I know, but in order to communicate with these people without being called a bigot and told that my opinion is wrong, I have to speak their language.


The fall of society in the west is upon us


I donā€™t think it positively affects me. It literally doesnā€™t matter in any capacity.

Itā€™s been upon us for years brother.


Look did I call anyone here a bigot all people said I was being unreasonable but Iā€™m honestly listening to these replies and Iā€™m just having a discussion trying to understand why and sometimes people donā€™t understand one another I accept that.

Depending on body type if they want to ā€œpassā€ serious medical intervention is needed. Or things like contouring body gloves instead of those permanent implants. I was thankfully ā€œblessedā€ that I am only 5ā€™4ā€ and an already slight build so I didnā€™t need to do as much to pass. But I am an open book and the only way to find acceptance is to talk about it. Not just force others into blind acceptance

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So you admit that advocating for or against this nonimpact change is pointless?

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It definitely is. Conservatives want nothing more than for the West to fail.

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Sounds like you were born with body type 1

Iā€™m not talking about you, I donā€™t even think we responded to each other once.


Might of been meant for someone else my bad.

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Born Male. Body type 1 has no meaning whatsoever.


Regardless of the topic at hand, I find your perspective very refreshing.