Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Then you don’t understand the selection process of body type isn’t prescribing you a gender, but instead a body type. Pronouns are where you choose to identify, hence pronouns choice…

The point seems to be a lot of people don’t know what they are talking about.

Like you.

See there same thing really

Ah, there’s the ad hominem.

Oh, sorry. Do you even know what that means?


Then why are they changing the choices to body type 1 and 2 when male and female are what people identify as?

No, this is me being logical lmao

No it’s not. Male and Female are what everyone identifies as.


How about you explain why pronouns in general, and anything that’s non-heteronormative offends you?

Instant wrong, also lol tichondrius.

Ironic. Now, non-passing(IE not being feminine/masculine enough) = not trans enough by you. Not looking good for you tbh.

Sex is male (XY) or female (XX) that determines whether your body produces small or large gamines. HRT nor GCS change your genetics. Having done everything but GCS I am still biologically male. I am not female, I am a transwoman. We all need to get over ourselves. We are not special for being trans.

How Blizzard is handling this “inclusion” is borderline offensive. I do not see how a KT male with a long beard with she/her and a female voice are healthy portrayal of a trans person.


Really, my body type dictates my gender identity? How does that work?

Changing the name of something doesn’t change what they were designed as.

They were designed as forms to represent the biological sex of each race. Calling them “Body Types” doesn’t suddenly make them no longer what they were.

By making this change in labels they are in fact conflating the two.

If this was actually about adding body types then they would have done the work of implementing something like they did for Dracthyr, which allowed them to slim down or bulk up the model.

Take humans as a base example.

They could have kept “Male/Female”, and then in the menu given them further options of; “Athletic, Large, Slim, etc”

But they opted for the poor design choice instead that doesn’t make any sense when people could already change their sex in the barber shop.

Now maybe, just maybe, they will add more body choices besides one and two. But based on their previous track record, part of me seriously doubts that is the case


To agree with you blizzard I do believe is not friendly in some aspects unlike steam where they did specific sales for LGBTQ games made by creators for the community. Blizzard on other hand for their most well known thing their games did not even think to have a sale on pride month. This is something will agree with

I guess the answer to my question is “yes”. Since you continuously show you do not have a basic understanding of what is even going on.

You still get to identify as male and female.


Considering my character will still identify as male…

You are acting like body type 1/2 is what people will identify as. Thats not how it works.

Emotes won’t be re-written as “Look at the body type 1’s new shirt”

It will still be “his new shirt” or whatever you pick.

Turns out I do not have to go along with the delusions of the mentally ill or some one chasing a fad.


Well to start, your excessive use of periods and carriage returns throughout a single sentence is definitely idiotic. Is that what you mean by ‘this’? I wouldn’t call it harmful and bad, but its definitely annoying to read, and doesn’t really do a good job trying to portray the emphasis that you think it does.

Would you find it idiotic if they put a bunch of blatant right wing pandering into the game, and put it front in center so that you know how they stand politically? You, an obvious lefty, know the answer to this question. It would obviously be annoying, and irritate a lot of players, and doing things to irritate your players is IDIOTIC.


You must not know any transwomen transitioning later in life. Where things like hormones are more effective at younger ages than they are as we age. So it’s not at all uncommon to see someone identify as a transwoman and still have some facial hair. Also Dwarves

Or prevailing medical opinions apparently either.

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Well, do trans women get implants and remove parts of their bodies to become physically feminine? Do Trans men remove their breasts? Elliot Paige identifies as male and did all these things. He didn’t pick body type 1 irl, he did physical changes to become a MALE.


Then why are you going with your own thoughts on the matter? Why are you not agreeing with me? :3 Especially given both Scientific, and Biological research agrees with me, and not you.

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Thank you by starting with dodging the question.

So you continued to fail to specifically line out any actual complaint

Your entire complaint is “its left wing, and I am right wing”

I ask a specific question and all you could do is completely dodge it and run away.

Let’s not assume they don’t know unless they say it. Trust me it’s never good to just make assumptions I know it all too well. They are also allowed to disagree even if I find it stupid.

Some do, some don’t. It doesn’t change how they want to be identified as. The choice to go through body changes is an individual one