Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Not sure how any of that doesn’t make you one, but go off I guess. Kinda reminds me of what Milo did for his community. Self-hate is still very real, and just because you are part of a community doesn’t mean you know what the rest of the community wants or that everyone should go off your view alone.

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It wasn’t you who called me a bigot

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I’ll tell you why this change bothers me. 99% of people identify as male or female. Now they can’t. I don’t care about the pronouns, add them, pick whatever you want. But removing the terms male and female do absolutely nothing to add inclusivity and there’s an argument to be made that it does the opposite.


Oh, that one flew over your head too.

Sorry. :rofl:


You are still able to identify as male or female.

So your complaint is made in ignorance.

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There we go. There it is. Not being trans enough. Always comes out in the end for not bowing to the TRA movement. You seen it here folks in real time


thing is the people forcing their ideology on us are not well we should be nice to them but never encourage their destructive behavior. ignore all the death threats they give us ( which they are known to do) and just ignore them pretend they are not here until they stop trying to force us to agree with them .


That person is a well known troll. I wouldn’t bother with them. They also fake evidence against people.

No you can’t, where does it say male or female now? It’s body type 1 and 2 that mean’s absolutely nothing.


LOL. You want to talk about death threats, etc. On THIS topic of all things?

I didn’t say anything of the sort, but continue to go off I guess. I simply stated, that just because you’re part of a community doesn’t mean you get to exclude the rest of the communities thoughts and opinions on such things. Though, the change in question here is more relevant to NON-BINARY people than trans. Nice try, though.

How about you explain why normal words like male and female offend you.


I hate when people say force their ideology and then proceed to force theirs. And not even in a good way

I never stated they offended me.

Now please answer my question.

Do you know what the word “identify” means, and how it works in WoW?

I don’t know anyone who identifies as body type 1. I know people who identify as male or female though. Are you starting to catch on or is this too complicated for you?


I see your points are flying over their head too.

I’m sensing a pattern.


Literally no one is saying you identify as “body type 1” at any point in this game.

No one.


At no point in WoW anywhere do you IDENTIFY as body type 1 or body type 2.

This is you being ignorant of the situation.

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See, you do get it. Gender identity is different than body type.

If they don’t offend you then why support such a stupid change.