Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

No that right there is showing that when people say I don’t care but continue to show they care to respond completely proves my point

wow just wow ok your not rational person best to be put on ignore.


How am I conflating anything when I clearly suggest the descriptor itself, the category of what is being described has changed?

The choice is no longer between genders, it is between body types. Yes, the types used to be gender descriptors, now they’re not. That’s all =/

Is there actually a prompt that says, “choose gender: body 1 or body 2”? If so, then yes, they are conflating the two categories and that should be corrected. But I didn’t see that, just the new category.

Sweet. I hit you with logic and facts, you respond with ignore and insults.

First talking point I actually like this presentation this is a really good point against me. In terms of the first half joy the second half but body type I do agree they are being lazy go further

no you spewed nonsense which has no place in reality.

If someone is so heartbroken over this incredibly minor change that doesn’t even effect anything in game…


Its funny because people can’t even specifically complain about why this bothers them. They just tack on buzzwords and keep their complaint vague.

Because they do not have a specific rational complaint.

This does not help your analogy. Its still horrible.

Yes, because mostly you are saying things that are well. Not true.

Misinformation and lies are at the heart of bigotry.

Ok. Explain to me. Specifically. How this is idiocy.

How this simply change.

Using body 1, body 2. And later selecting pronouns. Is idiocy.

Especially when none of this matters in game.

Explain to me how this is harmful and bad.

I thought I was being ignored? If it has no basis in reality then why are more and more companies doing stuff like this? It can’t be because people don’t want it.

And you continue to care with what you consider unreasonable. Sometimes the truth hurts and is not popular but that’s okay.

It’s not horrible just because it flew over your head. :upside_down_face:


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The real G here even though we got into an disagreement is what I will go back to doing

I love how I am being called a bigot. Do you want to link my Twitter handle or the death threat DMs on me for daring to say it’s not like that? Oh how about the one where TRAs said I wasn’t trans enough because I didn’t follow them or their opinion. Or the thousands of other comments and threads defending sex and supporting trans people are different and that’s ok.


If wanting male and female body types instead of creepy and generic sounding body type 1 and body type 2 makes me a bigot I am fine with that. Being called a bigot by the rainbow mafia is a badge of honor these days.


No, I understood what you said. And the point you think you made.

You are just…not smart.


I never called you a bigot I said I disagree with you. I don’t know who you are to label you as a bigot so you can rest assure I won’t do that.

I’ve been called worse by better.


Can you please explain why the words “body type 1” and “body type 2” are creepy?

And how the words “male” and “female” are not generic sounding?

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So you have a history of being called stupid by smart people?

Weird flex.

But ok.

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