Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

It kind of doesn’t, when an actual trans person is criticizing you for it.

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Okay good for you.

it may go well for some people but in the wide world as a whole no wont go well at all infact i can name several nations where that will get blizzard banned unless they undo it.


It kind of does actually. Considering I’m part of same community.

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This illustrates my point exactly. Thank you. I don’t think I need to comment further. You’ve proven why this is a bad idea


You do thank you for conceding I’m not the one who needs to explain why it’s a bad change.

There are more trans and non-binary folks in favor of this change than the one loan trans woman against it on the forums. Which I know you know.


Politics aside, I would like to reiterate that another primary issue with this is that it encourages lazy design choices going forward.


There are maybe 10 people on the planet that dont play WoW because it doesnt have this gender BS in it, and they are literally spending resources and money on adding it to the game.

Regardless, good. screw them. They got diablo immortal banned in china like a bunch of idiots, probably cost them billions of dollars.

Comment on the whole piece. You’re fine with it mocking so long as it’s included. That says all I need it to say. And someone arguing “for it” said it

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Now this is actually explaining something. Good on you

pushing your personal beliefs on others only makes them resent you which is why we dont do that its also why we dont let religion or politics be pushed it does not go well it also causes conflict.

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You comment your the one disagrees provide why you disagree do not expect me to read your mind.

You can go to one of my previous comments on this thread if you want further explanation of what I am talking about

Thank you where are your comments in the thread I’ll scroll up.

Then you have a lot of understanding to do, because 1) It’s not about you, 2) It doesn’t alienate men or women. They’re changing how they do things by making the choice of body types, and then pronouns to suit the gender you want to go with.

They didn’t exclude anything, but nice try.

What resources, how long did this change take them to make? Which positions were effected? If you don’t have an answer to any of those questions, nice try but no.

Only if you don’t understand the answer, which is fine if you don’t. Just say so, so it can be explained to you (Though it has been explained multiple times already)

Have you considered relaxing, it’s just a game?

It’s meaningless to the people it doesn’t effect, IE those that had the option of male/female previously and only wanted those. It does effect those that didn’t have an option that’s more fitting, IE non-binary. That simple.

Read above~

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The grounds people are disagreeing on is based on either bigotry, ignorance, or trolling.

No one is saying anyone has to identify as “body 1” at any point in the game. No one is saying anyone is no longer their chosen male or female any longer.

Oh no. Getting an intern to mess around for 30 minutes is a huge resource waster.

The people claiming they are now being alienated has no clue what it actually means to be alienated. They aren’t.

They just want to be outraged online.


This is the equivalent of two white guys on a road trip with their black friend. They turn on rap music and look at the dude and smile.

If you can’t see that, you need some inner reflection.


I wish they would screw off with the sjw bs already and go back to making good games. WoW is already more than half buried, its playerbase scattered across other games because it’s been in such awful decline since the end of legion.

Instead of firing the losers- and they are, not sorry- that push this dog crap and hiring actual game devs to try and turn the ship around and bring people back to the game they vomit completely useless changes like this to pander to minorities.

Their flagship is sinking and they stand on deck debating proper pronouns.
Priorities, I guess.


I’m not getting outrage over a change that you likely won’t even think about constantly. Every time you see me in a thread remind me you are thinking about it constantly then