Blizzard Has Jumped The Shark On This One

Where do you people get this sort of garbage?

Please point out to any law, ordinance or any thing that makes it illegal to call someone male or female.

Get a grip on reality.

I actually think you need to be more vocal with this, and how it affects you. I feel like your point of view isn’t one that Blizzard is taking into account at all.

They can’t. They just live to drum up fake fears in order to “justify” their hatred

Yes, and they can pick a gender.

Nothing has stopped that.

Blizzard simply changed the label on the buttons

It doesn’t stop you from picking a female body type and calling it a female.


100% correct this isnt gonna go well for them they are denying the existance of biological males and females by trying to pander to less than 1% of the population. dont remove stuff keep things as are.


No one is forcing anyone to accept anything, should probably look up what “forced” means.

and my point remain, all these threads popping up aren’t actual threads of people being outraged of having problems with what Blizzard is doing, they’re everyday sad people making bait threads and you and everyone else keeps taking the bait.











How do people not see a KT male with a beard and female voice offensive? The image is why I stand against TRAs and self-ID. Because this happens. And then saying you demand others to use female pronouns. That is the most offensive thing I can imagine. That is damaging and dangerous more than just keeping it how it was. How many TRAs and their “ally’s” made that decision and thought “yeah this is the best representation I want to put out”

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Because it’s a freaking video game.

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Exactly. So why is this real world issue being forced into it at all?

Because that is a great way to find acceptance in a wider world than by mocking it in a video game. Supposedly added by trans people how does that compute?


All the people crying about this are real snowflakes and are ironically the ones who call others snowflakes for not conforming.

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well the company is in the most leftist state and the people there are known to push their beliefs on others thats why.


What about me? As a transwoman who stands against this “inclusion”


Congratulations do you realize how much of an as you put it an NPC sounds like. That’s what the terminology you use for others that hold similar views you disagree with correct

Good for you congratulations. My point still stands

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i mean its true if you know how the culture is in that state .

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This is PEAK idiocy by blizzard. the fact that they are wasting the resources of their sinking ship to pander to far left, radical gender ideology is beyond me. Im less concerned about the SJW trash in and of itself and more concerned about the fact that they think this is something worth spending time on. They need to make good games, and this is just another indicator that more trash is incoming


Because I want valid inclusion that isn’t mocking? This is pandering, the way they are doing it now.

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Whatever you want to believe just don’t call people snowflakes over a minor change. I’m sure you will be thinking about that every time you make a new character

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