Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

guess they are just gonna rebuild for fun

That would be the Zandalari wiping out the fleet.

That would be because the fleet exists, that’s motivation enough.

Again, it’s something so vague it means nothing, they could be trying to rebuild in EK and make a life for the people who are homeless in Stormwind there or just rebuild their faith in Elune. She gives no plan and doesn’t mention the homeless still living there at all or how they are going to get them back to Kalimdor, which even if they did go back they would still not have a home since a new one is not created for them yet. We still are given zero information as to what the night elves are doing, other than Tyrande going to Hyjal to hunt sylvanas.


“We could not destroy Stormwind with a direct assault, not on land. We do not have enough ships to move our armies to Elwynn Forest without being challenged.” Saurfang tapped on the ocean just off Stormwind’s coast. The disastrous attack on the Broken Shore had left one possible approach, but it would be nearly impossible to exploit. “The Alliance’s navy is still their weak point. Ours could catch theirs by surprise. Maybe our fleet could take the docks. But we wouldn’t take the city.”

The Horde’s fleet had been battered, too. Even if they could overwhelm the Alliance fleet—debatable at best—they would still have the same problem as a land‐based approach: not enough ships to transport a suitable ground force to take and hold the city. Any landing assault in Stormwind would fail. “They would take their defenses off the walls and send them to the port, pushing us off,” he concluded.

Are you elesane? either way, they have darkshore and are rebuilding in darkshore when its alliance controlled.

That is also not mentioned in game, just an outside question someone randomly asked at a pay to see panel. She outlines no plans for the homeless in Stormwind.

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devs are canon. Mezten said the old gods are dead back in cata and they never went back on that.

I’m thinking this one is a lost cause, Mara, she just cited strategy of Horde attack as motive of Alliance seeking reinforcements.

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He said nothing. He couldn’t. He had been so focused on defending the Horde from the Legion thathe had been blind to the consequences of that war.

There had been a stalemate, of sorts, between the Alliance and the Horde for years. Both sides were strong and had forces placed all around the world. No action could be taken without suffering a swift reprisal. That was why Varian Wrynn had decided not to crush the Horde after the Siege of Orgrimmar—he knew how many lives it would have cost his people to see it through. And, in hindsight, it would have meant the death of Azeroth, for it had taken the full strength of both the Horde and the Alliance to ensure the world’s survival.

But the Broken Shore had altered the balance, hadn’t it? The disastrous counterstrike against the Legion had destroyed a significant portion of both factions’ fleets, and the months of warfare that followed only made the problem worse. The Horde and the Alliance still had strong positions on every continent, but they now lacked the means to reinforce them or maneuver their troops to another front.

PORTALS. We took a damn planet with the things.

The things they say outside of the game change all the time, see Grom being the end boss of WoD. We have no idea if the night elves can even live in the blighted ruins of the cities in Darkshore, which are still blighted after they win. Winning the warfront doesn’t mean the night elves are still not homeless and there are no plans given for what they are doing about it.


portals dont work when blizzard says they dont work.

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And that right there is them walking back.


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that is so different from them saying the alliance won all the warfornts

Actually no, that’s the devs changing what they say in outside sources like tweets or random Q&As that aren’t reflected or show in game or in some other lore material.

actually yes, one is clarifying something from the current story about something that already happened, and the other is promising a future story, and a boss for raid.

what blizzard have always said that portals are a poor way of moving armies.

That was going to be the story and he was confirmed to be the end boss, then it changed, as these things do until they are shown or mentioned in game. The supposed victory in Darkshore could be changed as well since we never see or hear about the outcome anywhere in game.

And yet we took a planet with them.

Take your pick which one is the walkback, but you’re damned by one and damned by the other.

I said checkmate, not check.

but it wasnt its called changing the story, darkshore hasnt been changed lol, what a revelation you have, that blizzard can retcon what they want? Its like you dont realize where you are.