Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

I killed him in my headcanon… that was another instance of it, and as I said before this seems to happen mostly in these ‘buildier’ expansions, whereas in the ‘big’ expansions they do tend to deliver on what they say, to an extent. WoD had this issue, so did Cataclysm to an extent (elemental lords say hi), and of course BfA as well.

Well, Neptulon does anyway.

we do know that the devs told us, watch the blizzcon they revealed alot of info

literally the end of 8.3 if your asking for zone updates its not gonna happen for a while

and I have yet to see blizzard walk back about anything they said story wise, other than people still spouting the sylvanas was suppose to be grey, even tho they never said that.

and btw

Although the Kaldorei suffered greatly in this war, it is time for us to heal and rebuild.

We can still look to the future without forgetting the past…

Yeah, those always feel like the filler episodes in a show’s story arc that they just abandon after release. That interview about the night elves from him still doesn’t show any real understanding of what they were doing wrong, so I’m not expecting them to deliver any decent night elf content because they really haven’t delivered that in years and they don’t seem to know what to do with them, other than beat them up.

Alliance is “the sole superpower on Azeroth”

Two expansions later

“We’ll be sending out farmers next.”


Two expansions later, umm time passes and they where weakened by the legion, boom took two secs to put two and two together.

So the Horde wasn’t weakened by the legion?

Four years recoups the Horde’s population?

Face it that’s a 180.


I think the draenei and lightforged draenei definitely would join the Night elves after the path of glory and seeing that the Horde is still capable to do the same things.

Yea but at this point, the writers will only involve the Night elves when some race has to suffer tragedy. So it’s either being ignored or suffering even more tragedy.

You mean like Teldrassil is still ash and there was also no reclaiming of all the zones night elves had right before BfA

that’s exactly what they did NOT do.

Says who? The Horde version could’ve just happened before the Alliance version. They still didn’t show anyone winning.


They didn’t say the horde version was non canon.

No one asked for them to do zone updates in 8.3, just even in game dialogue about what the state of the homeless night elves in Stormwind, mention the state of Darkshore and Ashenvale or what the night elves are even doing instead we get things like:

This also literally means nothing, Shandris isn’t giving a plan. Rebuild what? where? It’s so vague it means nothing, she could even be talking about rebuilding their spirits.


Well obviously the alliance fought more cause they where stronger.
I do remeber alot of complaining about how legion is a alliance xpac after all.

in kalimdor duh thats where she in tyrande go

The Lightforged probably would(I actually forgot about them) but I think with Velen’s sway and his endorsement of Anduin he’d manage to convince the regular draenei to side with the humans.

Illogical complaining, Horde’s AR were there from the start.

if you say so, remember too the alliance didnt lose against the demons they where holding on the horde didnt, then well they took heavy loses if you read bts. its kind of the reason sylvanas makes her move now

No, that would be the Azerite.

That’s where Tyrande brings Shandris, it doesn’t talk about their people or the night elves living in Stormwind.

Nope read good war, its cause of the legion loses, the navys and such, literally half the books is about how nobody has good navys anymore.

and the undead go back to the glads yet all the undead are still in org, funny how blizzard doesnt update stuff for them too huh.

You mean the book where we know for a fact that Sylvanas is lying through her teeth and spinning whatever story she can get to get Saurfang to play along and into her double sided death trap?

she wasnt lying about the navys, its the kind of the reason the alliance goes to kul’tiras, and the horde goes to zanda, and the main reason the alliance tries to hard to blow up the zanda navy

The homeless night elves are never mentioned and it doesn’t say they are going back to Kalimdor. Just that Tyrande is going to Hyjal with the Blackmoon group to hunt Sylvanas.