Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

All you’ve really been saying is “it’s okay to show the night elves lose, but it’s not okay to show the night elves winning because that means the horde loses”. If that was actually their reasoning, then no side should lose. It’s pretty extreme cognitive dissonance at this point.


they did show the nelves winning they took back darkshore

Redridge exploded? I think you’re mixing up your zones, Redridge was untouched, they even finally built that damn bridge! If you maybe meant Westfall, that’s one chunk that doesn’t impact the zone at all, in fact it’s never even brought up at the time, as far as I’m aware there’s only one quest associated with it, the treasure hunt.

Westfall was the only human zone impacted by the Shattering, all the others just got updates to themselves.


Yeah, it wasn’t great reasoning, but the line from the orc was really just as strange especially if they participated at all in WoT and the one holding the horde army back was Malfurion. But the point being even at the time they knew, or some did, that they were doing a horrible portrayal of night elves.

That is only shown as much as the horde winning Darkshore. Outside of that the night elves finally winning Darkshore is never shown or mentioned in game.


Uh, no, no they did not. Prove me wrong in a way I cannot dismiss with the Horde version two weeks later.

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Personally, I’ll be happy, and pleasantly surprised, if they actually mention the taking back of both Darkshore and Ashenvale somewhere other than a tweet or some offhand comment. Otherwise it can be ‘retconned’ just as easily as it was said, much like a lot of these dev comments have had happen to them once they’re said.

It still doesn’t put the night elves in a good position at all, though, of course. A Blighted Darkshore, and an Ashenvale that’s probably been heavily logged while the Horde had its mitts on it.


did you forget that half the zone is a crater?

its gonna show on NA servers in about 12 hours.

horde version isnt canon

As an avid supporter of the smallest race: good luck with that, just count yourself lucky if they don’t decide you’re homeless due to battle pets next.

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Yeah that is the concerning part, their refusal to put or mention any of this in the game. It doesn’t take much, even just an extra bubble of leader dialogue mentioning the state of these places, but that is apparently too much to ask for.


nelves arent homeless, they are going back to nord as of 8.3

Redridge? Redridge is a crater? Are you just trying to goad me into doing these weird little back and forth one liner repartees or something? Because anyone who looks up a map of Redridge can clearly see it was untouched by the Shattering, it was only updated in terms of quests. Westfall has a crater, but it’s not even a quarter of the zone in size, and is never part of the main story. You need to go out of your way to find a quest to do with it.

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Citation needed. Prove it’s not cannon instead of just not being the final battle.

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The horde will then win it about two weeks after that, the cycle of the warfront is meaningless.

Tyrande is going to Hyjal, nothing is said about the homeless night elves in Stormwind so they are still homeless.


https:// wow.gamepedia. com/ Render%27s_Valley

cause the nelves won, so therefore its not the canon ending.

horde winning isnt canon

going to rebuild, I wonder whar rebuild means :thinking:

Oh my god, BOTH versions are canon. The Horde one takes place before the Alliance one, which is why the world boss is normal when it’s held by the Horde, then undead when it’s held by the Alliance.

At Blizzcon, it was stated that the Alliance won both warfronts, so that’s what we have to go on. However, these statements are walked back all the time, as we’ve seen, and we can’t trust what they say will happen until it’s somewhere in game, or in a canon source like a book or short story.

As far as we know, there are still plenty of refugees in Stormwind, otherwise Blizzard wouldn’t have left them there, given that they showed in Legion they’re able to update such things (the draenei in Dalaran).

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So the alliance one is the final one Where the nelves win got it

We don’t know that, there could be multiple pushes and it may not even have been resolved until much later. It’s not mentioned to be non-canon.

Could be anything, just rebuilding a strike force against Sylvanas. We don’t see anything about the homeless night elves still in Stormwind, so they of course are still homeless as far as we know.


Yes, but you were arguing that it (the Horde one) wasn’t canon, which isn’t correct. Also your argument is based on the words of the devs at Blizzcon, which as we’ve seen literally all expansion, can be walked back or flat out ignored if the mood strikes them. At the moment, that’s all we have to go on, but until we see a canon source actually telling us the state of Darkshore, and the night elf refugees, and where the night elves are actually settling for realsies, it can be yoinked away at any time.

You know this, you’ve clearly seen this, same as the rest of us. They say one thing but then ‘subvert expectations’ and do something else.


I remember when we were going to kill Grom in WoD, that was canon