Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

you know theres no reclaiming of theramore story right? theramore is still crater cause its suppose to be one

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And still a losing battle that went on for years of gameplay, ms goal post mover.

what does theramore have to do with anything, garrosh cratered it and they changed it on the map? Darkshore has a whole warfront with mogs, mounts and all sorts of stuff.

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What’s it matter? I saw in these very forums that Night Elf fans should not buy Shadowlands. If I don’t see an interview capitulating to Forsaken fans I swear to God I will find a way to burn a digital download.


It has to do with the fact that telling the Horde they are fighting a losing battle might be a novel concept, but saying they shouldn’t be subjected to that is utterly hypocritical as the Alliance has been on the “get wailed on” train since 2010.


The new Lunar Festival chain for the perma flower crowns actually really highlights just how focused on night elf zones the destruction seems to be, it’s weird. You go around and visit moonwells, and a good chunk of them are in night elf areas that are either canonically wrecked since Cataclysm or later.

  • Ashenvale Moonwell’s by the volcano.

  • Stonetalon Moonwell’s on Stonetalon Peak, which is still overrun with Old God stuff.

  • Hyjal’s a bit better because they actually phased it, though it’s been a punching bag… three times now, since WoW has launched?

  • And then of course you also fly over Darkshore to get to some of them, which is still pretty messed up, even from Cataclysm.

Combine that with Teldrassil being flat out gone and it doesn’t paint a very nice picture at all in terms of night elf ‘progression’ in the last five expansions.


Umm do you understand the differances between questing and a warfront?

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Do you see how little difference there is?

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you mean up to cata right, cause they havent really updated anything past cata

Major different warfronts give raid gear for one, questing are meant to be done once, and warfronts multiple times to get your rewards. its suppose to last months

Can you guys stop with the weird discord-style exchanges, I mean at least get down a coherent thought and more than a few lines before you start rattling off your rebuttals. There are Discord servers for this sort of thing, speed isn’t a factor for discussion here, it’s getting embarrassing.


Perhaps the reason I had wished for a Battlefield: Ashenvale patch this expansion so many times was for an update to Ashenvale to remove this volcano.


you complained about zones being destroyed in cata the xpac about destroying zones

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I’ve mulled it over for a while and I truly believe that Blizzard planned on phasing and advancing the more heavily damaged zones during their initial planning for Cataclysm development, they just put way too much stuff into the expansion and couldn’t find the time or the funds to push their main vision forward. Kind of like what happened with WoD, and… well, BfA, to an extent.

We see it in Hyjal, where you actually get phasing and advancement of the zone’s look to an extent, and I feel that really worked well.


Yep, it was insanely bad and only through a lot of people picking up on it even some news outlets, did anything change to make it less terrible for night elves. I remember Terran even knew at the time that night elves were being shown as weak in 8.1 and tried to say “oh no that orc laughing at night elves just fought civilians, not like warrior night elves!”. He didn’t have anything really to do with the 8.1 story, but even at the time he could tell the story for them was bad.

“No single night elf could do all that!”

"There are going to be a lot of night elves in this forest that are just civilians, when she’s been paroling that area by and large she probably only witnessed conflicts between normal night elves, you know, the ones who just live.”

He was trying hard to make the night elves seem better, but the story just was not reflecting what he was attempting to say.


1: that’s hardly “raid” gear unless you’re counting LFR
2: when the expac is over the optional war fronts will be in the past, but mandatory leveling is forever, even if you level elsewhere, so no.
3: Once per character, can’t say that was once.

I think you just don’t want the Horde to have to swallow any bitter pills while the Alliance should be popping them like skittles.

I’m on mobile, sue me.

Seriously, coherent thoughts before posting.

If you had read my post with more than a glance, you’d have noted that I was implying there was a marked focus on night elf zones, in contrast with the zones of other races. Night elves were hit in Ashenvale, Stonetalon, Darkshore, and to a lesser extent, Feralas. Compare this to other zones themed around various races, and it’s a pretty major difference.

Dwarves had two zones damaged, humans had one (and poor Sentinel Hill is on fire to this day…) Orcs had one, unless you count Barrens being split in two, and so on and so forth. Compare this to night elves’ three and a half, and the damage markedly heavier in some cases (I mean, Auberdine is insanely heavy on the tragedy compared to others) and there’s a bit of a pattern there.


400 ilvl was alot when it came out and heroic has 460
and yeah people are gonna need those mogs still or you suggesting they remove some of the best mogs from the game?
still not as grindy as warfronts,

I dont care what the horde swallows I just understand blizzards reasoning.

wrong, what is redridge, half the zone exploded

I found that line about civilian night elves to be even weirder because he was basically saying that the Horde was still attacking civilian night elves, let alone that there were still refugees hiding in Darkshore and Ashenvale. It implied the Horde was only really hitting civilians, that the person in charge of the area immediately assumed night elves weren’t capable of such a thing.

I mean, has this orc leader in the cutscene literally only over fought night elf civilians? Malfurion, the most powerful druid on the planet, takes out half a dozen soldiers and it’s supposed to be this big scary feat.

Like I’ve said, it’s weird.