Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

lol there military didnt take that many causalities cause it wasnt there

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Then wth did the horde knock over to torch their island!?

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Its going to take more than dev interviews or tweets “clarifying” their inability to communicate to convince me that they mean what they say. Every opportunity they’ve had to show that “they’ve heard our voices” turned out to be sloppy patches or downright lies. BfA is a monument to their inability to tell a convincing story to anyone who wasn’t the target audience (re: Sylvanas or Saurfang fanatic). And that’s ignoring the fact the Alliance story was a half-pushed out shart of an afterthought.

Truth. If anything, its proof that screeching on social media is the only way to for criticism to get heard.

That requires effort though. We saw that effort wasn’t a priority in BfA.

There is a big thread in the lounge about developer feedback. It was disappointing to read that and that just then they are realizing that there is a disconnect between devs and players. That feedback that isn’t just blatant shilling is helpful. Only the Bug feedback devs and the quest writers are the only devs that actually communicate with players in a meaningful way that shows that they can listen. Respect is a two-way street.

So no Blizzard, I don’t believe you when you say that Tyrande will be anything but a emotionally compromised woman in need of her man and the Night Elves will be anything else but victims to stuff in a refrigerator or a damsel for a “hero” to rescue. How about you hire some writers that are capable of more than fawning over Anduin or pounding on the table screeching “lok’tar ogar!” or “yays qween!”


Umm cause they tricked the alliance to move the army down to silithus

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So a mixed fleet of Alliance ships not Night Elf.

You mean like the updated Darkshore with the world quests?

I do get your point, but ironically Malfurion does regrow parts of the forest in Darkshore during the warfront:

I do agree with you that it would have been nice to see Forest Song fully built.

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No it was nelves

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So just from that these points make it obvious they have no idea what they are writing and you can’t expect them to write anything decent as it seems he is trying to say the neglect and destruction of the night elves was accidental!

“as it seemed like their revenge for the Burning of Teldrassil was condensed into a single quest chain that ended in a stalemate and a Warfront.”

It’s not that it “seemed” it completely was and they refused to expand on it in BfA.

“and the intention was to never make Tyrande’s choices feel weak or marginalized in any way”

If that’s how they were not trying to portray Tyrande’s choices as weak or marginalized they shouldn’t have shoved her story only into a pointless warfront that went nowhere and make her choices weak and marginalize and you only learned about the outcome of the one thing she participated in from a question that had to be asked at a convention you had to pay to watch, nothing about it in game or in the actual story, not to mention her only achievement, killing a valk, was instantly for nothing.

So it seems he is lying to placate people or he is saying the writing team is massively incompetent when it comes to how they want to portray the night elves. Either way having faith they will write Tyrande or the night elves any better in the future with more “wait and see, but this time for real real!” is kind of the definition of insanity.


well what would you cut to expand it, btw the game is more than nelf players so it has to me something to please everyone

There was a Martian invasion of Toronto, but you just didn’t think so.

I just said that, clearly it’s on you to disprove it by your strain of supposed logic.


You’re never going to please everyone, so that is a stupid line anyway. But they wouldn’t have to cut anything, adding extra dialogue giving us updates and the progress or feelings of the night elves would mean literally nothing, we don’t even learn about the outcome of Darkshore in game or what the state of Ashenvale is or what killing the Valk even did. They wiped out the night elves to give Saurfang a story while neglecting the night elves almost entirely in BfA. They did a bad job portraying whatever they were trying to, as he says.


So we should only make nelf players happy got it

cause imagine telling horde players they are gonna play a losing warfront

only race that got a patch to them okie


Not what I’m saying at all, but I wouldn’t expect anything more from you.


They told Night Elf players they would be playing a losing War of Thorns. Are you a hypocrite?


yeah and it was bad, but at least it was only a bad pre event not content expected to last months

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I think I’d be happy if they make one final phase of Darkshore that shows it post reclamation that does not flip with the warfront mechanic. Add the warfont reflection version to Zidormi’s past phase map.

Show Auberdine with its docks and buildings restored, with Lor’Danel sans blight. Between those two and a settlement in Balshal’Aran you have the makings of a Kaldorei edition metropolis. Show the forest in well into druid and wisp backed recovery with the forsaken and goblin buildings torn down.


You mean like Theramore and Gilneas and Stonetalon and WPL and Southern Barrens which lasted years?


Just remember that the Darkshore chain was actually worse before people, Red Shirt Guy included, said “yeah uh… this is really bad”.

I think what baffles me the most when it comes to the night elf stuff this expansion is that it would have been so easy to make a few narrative changes to make it work better. Not the Burning, of course, that and the War of Thorns didn’t just jump the shark, they jumped a megalodon, but the later stuff.

Have the quest to raise nelves take a while and imply resistance, heavy resistance, to the act by the nelf spirits. Or have some of the ones raised immediately attack. Have the ones who join up talk about how they didn’t see Elune, only oblivion (hinting at Shadowlands).

Have Tyrande actually kill Nathanos, then the Valkyr raises him after, sacrificing itself. Same outcome, different effect. Have Belmont already be gone when Tyrande wipes out the base, and then is captured later during the warfront.

All these little things would have worked fine, but they didn’t seem to want to compromise at all with things, and then cut out almost all the major night elf players for Azshara, except for Shandris, who… was a child during the War of the Ancients.

It’s all quite weird, right down to the difference in quality between the Forsaken themed warfront armor, and the Night Elf themed ones, or creating an entire armor set for nelves, the iconic one from the very first cinematic… and then making it not available to players.


yeah those are leveling zones, you know it takes time to update stuff right
and its dumb to update stuff without gameplay reasons

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Theramore scenario was a leveling zone? They updated that for leveling reasons?