Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

there was vengeance, but you just didnt think so

Well if you count it as the Alliance taking revenge on the Zandalari for their antics during Cata and MoP it kinda works. But that is just blundering into success at that point.



Unsatisfying revenge for many because it didn’t wreck a bunch of Horde stuff and make Horde players feel bad about themselves. Nothing short of that is ever going to be enough for some of these story forum regulars.

Strange thing is though if Alliance did get this aggressive it might actually be good for the story overall.


He’s talking about when the horde npc tells the horde player about how genn ruthlessly murders Rastakhan. The Alliance can do no wrong, so it isn’t canon.


I feel you will be the most disappointed of all.

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I like opening even ending with all them, except Tyrande, getting trap in maw.

And we just leave them their for while.

With the option of freeing near the end of the expansion.

Just the option, though.

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While I am a Hordie, Nelves have long been my favorite Alliance race (I have two which is rare for me to have more than one of a race) and I doubt those words especially coming from Steve Sylvanusiswaifu Danuser.


Spoiler alert: it won’t. Night Elf fans are spewing enough salt to poison the earth for eternity at this point, I don’t think anything in the realm of possibility would please them let alone what Blizzard are willing to do.


Are we supposed to give you headpats too? It just seems awkward.

I mean, Night Elf fans are like the rest of us. They aren’t some monolithic block. Some will never be happy, because it is human nature. Some probably have a standard that’s impractical- “leave the Alliance and murder all the Horde who even looked at a tree funny.”

But outside of those extremes, I like to think a large number would be happy with proper respect shown to the race. Let them resolve the undead night elves, which was bullcrap to the elves and largely did nothing for the Horde anyway, story wise. Let them, and only them, get some real, meaningful lumps in on Sylvanas- not kill a made-to-die Val’kyr or other commander.

There’s a happy middle road that is entirely practical.


I don’t like the sound of that. It’s like they never understood who, and what Tyrande and the Kaldorei people are and are supposed to be; and should have been: warriors. The wild side of the Alliance. The dude sound’s like he still doesn’t understand that it’s not just the warfront where this needs to happen but the whole universe of Azeroth.

This is the problem with this whole expansion, this is the let down. This can’t simply wait until the next expansion. Where’s the Night Elf rebuilding and reorganizing effort? Because the Darkshore waterfront is simply a knee jerk reaction to this humongous mess that’s the Alliance’s lethargy.

The Night Elves need more. Tyrande needs more. Maiev needs moar. Shandris needs to lead something other than be a presence on your follower board.

Where are the whisps? Where are the ancients being regrown? Moonwells being filled? Blizzard could have graced the Kaldorei and their players with a connected but un-ordered series of war related quests where one of the Night Elf leaders orders collection of sacres water from the surviving Moon Wells to grow annother tree; even a Tree of Life where wisps can congregate.
In addition, there could be other quests to collect blessed or sacred wood to build unique Kaldorei ships and engines of war. Even a Night Saber and Chimera breeding quest where you acompany Furion riding around Kalimdore collecting and protecting eggs and young while Kaldorei wagons collect the endangeres brood.

An even greater quest would be to rally and transport the Mountain Giants and Chimera back to Stormwind to reinforce the Kaldorei restlessness for retribution and vengeance.

Yet, the devs don’t even try a single quest chain; and they think us to believe next year???


Mmmm, Alliance Civil War. The great schism between the night elves and the rest of the Alliance. It would be delicious.

I mean, Horde’s already had to two civil wars. It would be a shame if Alliance were left out of the happy fun times.


To be fair, all of three of these happen in the Darkshore Warfront. Chimera, too, for that matter.

Mountain Giants were missing, though, yes.

Not war related or from a Night Elf leader, but oddly the new Lunar Festival quest is thematically similar to this:

I’d argue it wouldn’t be NE vs everyone. I think the divide would go something like Human, Draenei, Dwarf vs Night Elves, Gilneas, Gnomes and the rest probably wouldn’t really take sides.


That would be a capitulation to failure on their part as story tellers and thrice fold as video game developers.

Warcraft (World of) exist in huge part to its large, (formerly) complex and compelling story. Not the bogus of kicking a race around just for outrage value. The later speaks more about the maturity and experiences of the developers than the game.

Therefore, no, we must not be neglected: Kaldorei; Likewise none of the other races. However, Blizzard has to hire people who understand this is a world of war. Tear something down? Fine, but build it back somewhere, somehow else in the world where the player and tag along and bleed it back.

Warfronts should never have been a pve experience, unless it’s a pve realm. There needs to be interactive bases outside capital hubs that are fueling and protecting the war effort; even in peace. Forest Song is a good example.

Blizzard made the mortal mistake of giving us a taste of Draenai architecture and culture. Since they failed wonderfully by neglecting it in WoD, Forest Song could/should be made the headquarters Draenai+Kaldorei reconstruction/reclaimation efforts on Kalimdore. Even a conquest of Zoram’Gar for the purpose of building ships and collecting Wisps would help advance both the story and the players of the Kaldorei and Draenai race.

Sorry for the rant. Its an observation of an eruption of disappointment of a world of warcraft. The lackluster needs to end.

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Blizzard has heard night elf fan complaints… and they’re deeply sorry…


They can still make me happy

Just let Tyrande spank the Horde and give them a cool glade and then they will be happy probably.


“Sorry” doesn’t mean anything if they don’t know the meaning of the word… and it still doesn’t right the ship they deliberately capsized.

Not really, because the Darkshore warfront is an instance seperated from the world. I’m talking about the connected world at large.

Furthermore, the Darkshore warfront, though quite good for a pve event, it would have been beyond epic had it been rendered and operated like Wintergrasp. Even an Isle of Thunder quest mode would have gone allot farther than the current model. Especially when battles can be both AI and player based.

Thats what I’m getting at. They acknowledge what the players expect from warcraft, then cut it short at the stem under the promise of future content.

It’s getting old and cold, and apologies don’t warm them up.

Isn’t the lunar festival a cross faction event? Thats apart of our problem. In addition, being simiar isn’t being the same. The Horde has received as much of Kaldorei culture as the Alliance has been permitted to enjoy. That’s not what we’re talking about.

I’m talking about quests, repeatable and chained involved in the mitigatinion of the harm caused by the ransacking by the Horde.

The Darkshore warfront, really isn’t a reconstruction phase; it’s merely a first response to what’s been a greater problem evolving on a Kalimdore scale. Something until now that has not received a suitable response even though Forest Song’s been under construction and fortifcation for not 1 but 5 expansions now. Not to mention, Bashal’aran was technically a highborn graveyard until the Banshee Fiend decided to turn it into a base. It would make sense for Maiev to set up her base camp anywhere but on the graves of her/our (now) ancestors.

Meanwhile, there’s several sites on Darkshore that could have served as both a respectable base and a natural port for reinforcements from Alliance cities and towns without putting Alliance forces at a disadvantage.
We know what they are. Blizzard should too.

This is why the next expansion excuse doesn’t cut the mustard and everyone should know it and hold Blizzard to it. Because this level of lathergy is bs.


no it wouldnt
wintergrasp was awful


I don’t think the Night Elves can even get revenge after the sheer amount of causalities they’ve sustained but if I was to say where radical vengeance seekers would turn I would say…the Nightmare?

We’ve seen it before sure but it doesn’t mean it can’t come back with a host of new nasty critters.