Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

Man, what would be a plot twist is if Tyrande made a deal with the entities in the Shadowlands - And it results in her people being revived — But the cherry on top would be, not just from the war of the thorns & the burning of Teldrassil - But those they lost in the Sundering too, making them the most formidable race on the planet.

After such, basically do a reverse cataclysm; where in Kalimdor it shows a whole bunch of Horde zones in ruins / being rebuilt over with Night-Elf Architecture, and the entrance to Ashenvale has a Arcane & Druidic Magical Gate decorated with Horde corpses & bones all over.


Well, I’ve heard worse ways to torpedo your franchise and alienate the majority of your fans. But do you really think the creative team at Blizzard hates working for Activision so much that they would essentially set the place on fire on their way out?

Blizzard are doing a fine job at torpedoing their own franchise & alienating the majority of their fans as it is, already.

Yes. Yes I do.

Okay fairpoint - the second part was probably overkill, yeah. But the first factor stated - of the Night Elf & Highborne Empire rising to full-fledged glory, and their numbers skyrocketing to the dominant people of Kalimdor I’d love to see.


I say let the Horde keep there barren zones and Azshara. I’d like to see Stonetalon Peak and its surrounding forest areas back under control. Ashenvale absolutely needs to be locked. Night Elf architecture built over Splinter Tree Post and Zoarm Gar. The gate to Ashenvale should be sealed with druidic, arcane, and lunar magics. The horde won’t be getting through that.


You underestimate Horde Bias. This is the same Horde that managed to ambush Night Elves, at night, in the forest. And the same Horde that burned down a World Tree with a single volley of catapults loaded with just basic Fireballs, from a coastline miles away. All just because the devs said so.

Such an enchanted gate would fall if the least Orc peon so much as sneezed on it.


Killing children is not self defense, you’re supposed to starve them like a civilized human being.

Alright, my swipe at Akiyass is out of my system. Aside from that, it’s hard for me to describe the Orcs as a purely peaceful culture, Shamantic and in tune with nature yes, but the demons blood and Kil’jaeden were exacerbating their warrior spirit to an unhealthy extreme.

This is a point that really bugs me about BfA.

The story has upped the stakes, ignored existing defensive points, and it’s already used the “well, we fought the evil warchief, but I’m sure you can do better next time” speech. They’ve already burned all the narrative bridges they could use to deesclalate.

Build an impenetrable magic wall? Yeah, so it can help just as much as the Vindicaar did.
Invade the Horde capitol as a show of force? Did that, no one was happy on either side, and it didn’t matter in the end. Is Anduin supposed to say “If you fail to uphold honor -this time-, we will end you. For realsies this time. No, seriously. Stop laughing.”
Make every single night elf a demigod-tier character like Tyrande or Malfurion? The story will look ridiculously unbalanced but it won’t actually matter if the story wants to burn another tree.

Why on earth did they think this ending was enough to simmer down the huge, ridiculously over-the-top evil start to the war? Why did they start with such a divisive event if they didn’t have a clear plan of how to resolve it?


My main is actually Dreadmoore.


These points were why I was certain that the Horde wouldn’t burn the tree* and someone else would put the blame on them. This would allow the Alliance to feel vindicated during the first half of the expansion, which is fun. I don’t know who made the decision to just do… whatever the hell this is, but they don’t deserve a paycheck.

*(Also the tree is too huge in damp air to effectively burn via natural agents? It’s livewood??? And also blessed/magical???)


I feel so mislead.

Dude, same. I thought this was supposed to be a faction pride expansion.


Luckily it’s over now and I can play my Horde characters again. I’ll wait until Shadowlands is out to boost my Blood Elf Death Knight, though. Already annoying having to continuously abandon Nathanos’ annoying quest to head to Nazjatar on my Goblin Warrior. I’ll probably level my Vulpera through Mount Hyjal and Vashj’ir and a few other zones. Not sure what class to pick for that alt, though.

I can’t deal with elves because their eyebrows and (usually) their ears stick through helmets. I feel like that should be easy to toggle off, but Blizzard apparently really disagrees.

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I had to use a polearm on my Night Elf Death Knight because great swords clip through long hair.

Hot take, the whole idea of lumping people into ‘Alliance Posters’ or ‘Horde Posters’ is inherently flawed because we cannot see into peoples brains and say what they identify as, nor can we even determine if that identity is valid because people have wildly differing definitions of what a Horde poster or Alliance poster are. We just assume people are trolling, acting for another side,or acting in bad faith because to admit that our factions have diverging views might make our own positions look considerably weaker.

For all I know Katiera is in fact a Horde poster arguing with me ways I don’t think make sense to make Night Elves and Alliance posters look bad. But if I take a moment to think about it, I know that’s not the case, she’s just a Blizzard employee.



The Judgement Armor is about the only set I will bother with full scale helms and those ears poking out of the hood just drive me crazy. It has stopped me from creating and leveling paladins on the horde side.

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She’s not a Blizz employee she just likes the game for what it is but I agree with everything else you said. People can have a diverse range of opinions and attempting to put them into one of two boxes is stupid.


It’s easy to tell which is which just see who gets butthurt when you tell them the alliance won the war

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and then you wake up.

I can’t bring myself to touch any horde character ever again because of how crazy evil they made the horde now

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I will never again find it so easy to play my Horde characters although I have 5 on 120 and 3 more waiting on 110.

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You’re correct. I was speaking from a standpoint where the game made sense. In a more realistic version of events a hate created from those 3 schools of “magic” would keep rubbe horde out. Druidism and Elunite power combined could do that alone.