Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

Nice job evading the point. You can keep playing this game if you want, but you know you are wrong. That is why your responses are becoming curt and uninspired.

Yikes, why do you exist?


Nice job evading mine. Flawed character perspectives < Blizzard themselves telling us facts.

Thanks for playing. You can go home now.

I have faced your point time and time again. It didn’t hold water an hour ago, it doesn’t hold water now.

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They dont but the orcs where trying to kill all the draenei

No one:
Akiyass: I am correct. Blizzard is wrong. Blizzard putting something on their website is not objectively the company informing the player what to expect from the race.

Its not that Blizzard is wrong… it’s that Blizzard gives us conflicting answers. You can’t pick the one you like and just decide that’s how it is… You need to take all things into account.

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Pick one (1).

And back to evading the point again. This is equivalent to you plugging your ears and yelling “LALALALALA”

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why are you talking to someone who can obviously interpret Blizz’s statement for his own arguments the way he wants and wants to, and is having a blast triggering you?

Do you really think he doesn’t know that the orcs had bloodlust even without demon blood in them, it even stays in Chronicles 2, that he didn’t know they committed genocide?

Don’t let yourself get fooled by someone who has fun triggering you.

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Lol, I am not “triggered”

Are you new here?


Hrmm, yeah, a little Bit ^^

Are you seriously defending orcs?

It’s Treng. His main is an orc. He’s just trying to hide on his Death Knight.

He is an embodiment of Horde bias :wink:

And tries everything to make this conflict better for the Horde, and against the Alliance.


Pretty standard fare for most Horde posters.

Also alliance posters, only bias for the alliance, really try to be neutral try the fewest.

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It’s heartening to know that faction pride is allive and well.

This is possible in every forum except the Lore forum.


It’ll be the same thing in Val’sharah. Through I wouldn’t be surprised if I wasn’t a Night Elf in Ardenwald as a Druid on the Alliance.

Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points.

In one ear and out the other.