Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

I think you are doing the speculation here.

They didn’t know they were tortured and screaming, they were silent. KJ said it was the Draenei, despite the Draenei themselves having adopted aspects of the orc’s shamanistic culture.

Furthermore, Elune wouldn’t be tortured. Anyone who tried would get Moonfired.

Time Stamp: 5:05

Maraad: “Durotan wore Stormfang’s fur until the end of his days. A constant reminder of the old wolf’s courage and loyalty. But a reminder also that even the most noble of orcs may fall prey to the savagery within.”

So no. We do know why he wore the pelt.

No? You made the claim that

It’s on you to prove it. Why was it not included on the webpage? The webpage plainly states that they had a peaceful culture.

My bad, it was Garrosh in AU that caused the screaming.

The only place that has ever been stated is in Maraad. Which was made before the World of Warcraft webpage was redone with objectively factual information plainly stating that orcish culture was peaceful.

it’s not a claim, it is explicitly what Blizzard has given us. You need to prove that the information is questionable, and you can’t just do that by questioning it’s source, you have to prove that with the implication that Blizzard would intentionally feed us false lore for the sake of a narrative purpose. Which they didn’t.

their peaceful culture

… And?


Is it just me, or does it sound like they’re treating the NE fans’ concerns with a lot more respect than the Horde players’ concerns?

They seem to think that only Horde druids are upset about the WoT, for a start. And then they just shrug and say “Oh well, you can just not play if you don’t like it.” (Which is what I did, but still.)

Apologies if that’s been covered somewhere in the early parts of this thread that I missed.

Oh, and PS: I am glad they’re listening to NE fans.



It isn’t just the Horde that night elves get babied more than.

The orcs once being peaceful has nothing to do with the blood fury being an innate part of their physicality…

Sure it does.

It suggests that Maraad, deeply scarred by that time his race was turned into a highway, cannot see the orc race objectively. He is the only source for your claim. Not even the orc page holds it up.

No it doesn’t… Because at it says is the orcs were peaceful… Until they weren’t… And when they weren’t, they made a road from the bones of women and children, and not because of any demon blood, as the blood fury of the orcs preexisted that.

The frostwolves suppress their bloodlust, which is why they refused to drink the blood, why they refused to hunt the giants to extinction, why they refused to slaughter the Draenei…. It is that suppression that makes them peaceful… not the other way around.

Maraad is not an unreliable narrator here. He respects the Frostwolf, and Blizzard would not spend the resources to give us a dump of fake lore…


corrupted by Kil’jaeden.

And I have already explained why I don’t take that for the cop-out many orcs fans seem to take it for. Even Thrall disagrees with you:

"We chose this path, we orcs. We chose it right up until it was too late to turn back. And having made that choice, we can, with the knowledge that we have of the end of that dark and shameful road, choose not to take it. ”

It is cowardly to push responsibility of your sins over onto someone else. Demon Blood or not, the orcs made the choice to slaughter innocent Draenei people willingly. Out of fear, not corruption. WoD outlines that explicitly.


I’m sorry, my point is that what you take doesn’t matter.

Canon is canon.

Except all your points are made with plenty of assumptions. You are guilty more than anyone of cherry picking lore to fit your own biases.


their peaceful culture

It does make you wonder exactly how much our WoD time bubble changed. Because those orcs? Metal as hell. Like, WH40k primarch origin story metal.

Doesn’t jive really well with our MU orc history, where they were portrayed as significantly more peaceful and agrarian pre corruption.


" We chose this path, we orcs. We chose it right up until it was too late to turn back. And having made that choice, we can, with the knowledge that we have of the end of that dark and shameful road, choose not to take it." -Thrall

We can go back and forth with conflicting lore from Blizzard forever. You can’t say anything is word of God when that word says two very different things.

The MU orc history isn’t peaceful though. It’s strife with constant war. They were only peaceful with the Draenei but warred with just about everyone else.


Great. He wasn’t even alive.


Under the demon’s influence, the orcs killed off most of the draenei population, but Kil’jaeden would not stop there.

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Genoicide is generally how the races of Warcraft practice war. There’s no such thing as a half measures approach.