Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

I dunno if that will happen, but pretty sure anduin is gonna be in shadowlands as a minor character at least. Pretty sure Ion mentioned him as one of the characters we save from the maw

Like we didnā€™t see Varian or Volā€™jin besides cameos in Warlords of Draenor, I hope Shadowlands gives us a break from Anduin, Jaina, and faction conflict.

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Pretty sure he is talking about the backstory, like the old gods, void and light stuff

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i just feel like the political conflict could grow up a little, or maybe behind the scenes.
that is of course assuming this story has any hope.

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I rememberā€¦ Was it cata? No, maybe Mists after ā€œA Little Patienceā€ Scenario. Night Elf players wanted more Night elf involvement in the story, they wanted the ā€œOld Warcraft 3 Tyrandeā€ back and so forth. Wanted them to fight, to be viscous!

The Money paw curled another finger, be careful because it still has many left.


Hence hopefully not in Shadowlands.

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she was pretty much wc3 tyrande then


We may not see Jaina, but hoping to not see Anduin is like living in Alaska and hoping it doesnā€™t snow in the winter.

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To be fair, Iā€™ve not completed W3 at all, So Iā€™m not familiar much with how she was depicted back then. I just know that Fans of the Night Elves wanted more involvement in the story and a feeling like they could be proud of their favorite race.

I agree with jaina, she had alot of story and its fine for her to take a break, but anduin is very much tied to the burning and sylvanas, I wouldnt want him to take the lead but he should be there behind tyrande

yes i donā€™t feel like jaina is going there even if she had a toon of important death relatives considering that she got her time in bfa.
but i donā€™t know about anduin maybe he can find varian there if there is any hope to improve anduin there it would be the time.
or her mother.

Anduin didnā€™t do much in bfa.

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that we can agree on, still its important for him to not be a major character I think

I am proud of the Night Elves for their effort and dedication during the War of the Thorns, and for ā€œTerror of Darkshoreā€ and winning the Darkshore Warfront after.

Donā€™t get me wrong, I like Anduin. I liked him in the Twilight Highlands intro. I liked him in Pandaria. Etc. But Iā€™d rather not see him in Shadowlands.


i mean, i want to like him that is why i think that maybe his character would be missing a big chance to grow, if he is going to be with us for a long time .

even if it is a minor role.

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If heā€™s going to be with us for a long time then he has a chance to grow later. Preferably after Shadowlands.

alright then. lets agree to disagree.

in any case, i donā€™t really have high hopes for a good story so i will just stayā€¦ reserved.


When has a blizzard spokeperson actually delivered on whatever they hinted/teased at?

Everything they have hinted at has utterly failed to garner the reaction they were hoping for.
Anyone remembers the talking heads promising the epic alliance vengeance with Tides of Vengeance?


Iā€™m curious if theyā€™d put in a scene where Jaina finds Daelin in Revendreth where he expressed regret on following victim to his own hate, asking her for forgiveness, etc.

Hopefully off camera, with a brief mention by a secondary character.

ā€œTyrande? Oh yeah, she died a few months back, donā€™t remember how. Something about an outhouse at night and it was too darkā€¦ā€