Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

Yeah it’s still genocide tho even Saurfang thinks so

Okay. And so was what the Draenei did. So, they both committed genocide.

Slaughtering children is not self defense.

I agree. Mannoroth’s blood made the orcs demonic.

No it didn’t. These were things the orcs did on their own.

Not sure what you think that proves… You should watch the Durotan one.

The Durotan is AU. Maraad is Main Universe.

Those orcs are green.
Their eyes are red.

All of them are MU, because it is being told from MU Maraad’s perspective. He is telling Varian about his experiences with them.

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He also wasn’t present for that event.

It’s still the legend told of Durotan. The Blood Fury of the orcish race is a thing.

A Draenei legend told of Durotan by a Draenei who hated the orcs so much that the Light left him, if temporarily.

except we know the Frostwolf is a clan that prides themselves on the suppression of their bloodlust.

…which we only learn from Maraad.

No, we also know this from Durotan. It is the entire reason WHY he wears the pelt of his fallen Frostwolf. Maraad also didn’t hate the Frostwolves, as they didn’t participate in the genocide of the Draenei.

In fact, in Lords of War, he calls them noble.

We don’t know why he wears it. Tons of orcs wear pelts.

The Frostwolves prided themselves on suppressing their rage and bloodlust, for they knew that those who succumbed to the beast within became their own greatest enemy.[32]
^ a b c d Lords of War Part Three — Durotan

This is literally the only source on that.

And I am inclined to assume it true, Durotan knew Velen personally, and histories and cultures were shared between the Draenei and the Frostwolf. Not to mention, Maraad and Thrall (Durotan’s son) stormed the Dark Portal together.

I don’t think we have to assume an unreliable narrator here. Blizzard isn’t giving us a huge lore drop with Lords of War just to say none of it is actually true.

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Okay? Even if it was true (and I’m not conceding it since not one single quest, npc, book, or text before or since has made the claim), the website was redone more recently than Warlords of Draenor. The orc webpage states plainly and objectively: peaceful until corrupted by Kil’jaeden.

Concede or not, it’s true because Blizzard is not going to invest in several high quality animations to lore drop fake lore on us.

Furthermore, sure… the orcs were peaceful… until they commit genocide. Genocide isn’t peaceful. I don’t see demonic corruption as a justification, because it’s not mind control. KJ just told them “Yo, these people are shifty. You should kill them before they kill you.” And they did, unquestionably. Despite hundreds of years of peace.

It’s not that I don’t believe KJ corrupted them… I just think that corruption only expediated the orcs on paths they chose for themselves.


They were peaceful until their elemental and ancestor spirits, whom they worship as gods, were tortured and screaming and most would not speak to them.

If I tortured Elune, would Tyrande take it sitting down?

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