Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

It’s okay Treng. I know reading is hard. You did your best and I commend you for that.

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More than 200 years before the First War,[10][11][12][13] Velen and his draenei settled upon a remote and peaceful world that seemed an ideal refuge. They named it Draenor,[14][15] and there they quietly cultivated their society once again. Ever wary of being discovered again by Kil’jaeden’s forces, Velen and his mystics kept their magic hidden.[16]

In time the draenei met and befriended the shamanic orc clans that already lived in the tranquil southern grasslands of Nagrand. Aside from engaging in some limited trade, the draenei and orcs regarded one another with respect but kept mostly to themselves.[16]

… Lol, okay…

I never denied you that point, but it seems you have totally ignored mine. So… again, I commend your efforts. I know you tried your best and that’s what matters.

Not the point I was making thought.

I thought it was more like 2,000 years. It was long enough for the orcs to have forgotten that Oshu’gun used to belong to the Draenei and claimed it as the resting place of their ancestral spirits.

It’s why even Durotan was angered to find Valen there.

My point is that your point is biased. You imply that demonic corruption doesn’t matter. But we have hardlined proof that when not corrupted, the orcs were respectful and peaceful with the Draenei.

2,000 years make more sense, but this is Blizzard.

More like a guarded standoffish attitude rather than peace and respect. The Draenei were too alien to merit respect And that attitude quickly turned to anger when Valen and his group were found near Oshu’gun.

Mhm, and demonic corrupt doesn’t matter. The orcs didn’t go mad with blood lust and start killing everything in sight… they were told the Dreanei were plotting to attack… and their response was to kill every man, woman and child, and pave the streets with their bones.

That was a choice they came to on their own. All they had to do was unjustly -feel- threatened, and they turn to racial extermination.


Told by what they thought were their spirits that the draenei were tormenting the elements, yes.

Also known as an attack.

The response was still immediately genocide. Not to bring those responsible to justice. Just to wipe them all out entirely.

Quick Edit: You know. Besides the women that they caged and then forced themselves upon resulting in half-breeds. :shushing_face:


You are missing the point. Genocide as an initial knee-jerk response to an unobserved, false perception of hostility is not justifiable just because you were nice up until you commit genocide…

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Kil’jaeden the Deceiver managed to get the orcs to commit genocide in eight years. Do you know which year they drank Mannoroth’s blood in?

This bloody conflict lasted nearly eight years, but the orcs’ triumph was unequivocal. The orcs killed over eighty percent of the draenei race:[16]

See above. Genocide doesn’t apply to “Race vs race” war. Genocide applies to killing the majority of the race. It took eight years to accomplish that. There was nothing immediate about it.

Yikes someone should look up the definition of genocide




noun: genocide ; plural noun: genocides

  1. the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

Guess the Draenei committed genocide as well, what with killing large groups of orcs.

Draenei where defending themselves

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The orcs were also defending themselves, insofar as they knew. If it doesn’t apply for orcs, it doesn’t apply to Draenei.

Draenei committed genocide.

LOL… Are you serious?

Oh no…

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It’s just “War” at that point.

The orcs are the aggressors like I know the legion tricked them and stuff but this ain’t it chief this is mega yikes

You are a delusional little zuglette.

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Literally you and I know that the orcs were the aggressors. We also know, objectively, that they were fooled by a mega powerful warlock named the Deceiver into thinking that they were defending themselves.