Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

And how would 1 flag that does absolutely nothing achieve that?

The high king is elected and varian also didnt do anything like that, again, you are assuming

numbers dont mean anything, if we go by the quests and power of the characters there wasnt a struggle cause tyrande was one shoting horde left and right.

again you are assuming something cause you want there to be a struggle, you cant accept that the horde lost easily

I dunno. I expect every type of crazyness from someone who makes the act of spaming the forum with the same posts about how night elves are an opressed minority and devs are in this secret anti nelf conspiracy a life objective.

Also I forgot to mention, varian wasnt high king when he interfered with the dwarves, the postion didnt exist till wolfheart which was way after. So it was just the king of stormwind interfering cause moira kidnapped his son

How does Varian forcing a nation to warp it’s political process for the sake of practicality not count as arm twisting? especially at sword point? There’s a reason why Blizzard seems to have pivoted towards Anduin being a lot lighter and softer then his father, and I suspect the fact he made the Alliance look somewhat despotic is probably why he died. Sure the High King is elected by the trials o the High King(Though we’ve never seen this process actually brought to completion before, but i’ll let that slide for the sake of talking about raw lore.) but that just means that you can get a vote on who your overlord of choice is.

Choose carefully, lest Umbric change your national theme to the Hell March.

And i’m not really going off of numbers, i’m going off the fact that there’s a Warfront in Darkshore and not Ashenvale. They had their chance to showcase night elf independence, and it would require a lot more then what we were presented with for me to take them as a real threat anymore. Even had the Gilneans not been there, Tyrande basically had to throw her faith on the sacrificial alter and indulge in forbidden magic to become Jaina tier for the foreseeable future to do it.

Edit: Oh so you don’t even have to be high king, Stormwind can just do that because
it’s Stormwind, gotcha.


I’m just complaining about how things are currently handled hoping that some day in the future they will change it. I made threads hoping that blizz would read them and change their writing style for the race and stop destroying it. That’s all. I never flagged anyone merely for disagreeing with me.

nations do that all the time, remember all the times the horde did it

again you are just assuming

Why should people read if what you say is just not true?

No member of the Horde or Alliance could survive on their own in this world. But the night elves - with the support of the Gilneans - have driven the entire Horde back, repeatedly.

They are the first and only ones to come close to having the strength of an entire faction in case of defense. Even several sources emphasize how hopeless the Horde is against characters like Tyrande and Malfurion. For this reason, solutions have always been sought to circumvent the strengths of the night elves and to eliminate them as well. Everything has failed so far.

The High King is an elected leader, another name for the Supreme Commander. The dwarves listened to him back then, yes, we still don’t know why but they did. But he had no political authority over it and when Tyrande refused to agree to peace after MOP it was in Varian that they had to be convince her. Convince her, he could not order it. He couldn’t order Jaina either, and that has made a Jaina and a Tyrande feel the High King’s powerlessness.

The High King is no warchief.

You’re still right about one thing. The night elves paid a high cultural price, for they deliberately chose a force that is little known about as their hope and salvation. Of course, in the end, it helped and it saved them. But the word “most ruthless,” well, reminds me strongly of the time when it was an Empire, as we know, the Night Warrior played a big role in the beginning, and Cenarius despaired as the Night Elves became increasingly ruthless toward their allies.

I think the price is not only losing yourself, but the Night Warrior is a price that does not allow you to stay together with other allies. The Night Warrior is pure power, but it doesn’t allow balance, it doesn’t allow thinking outside the box, you just become a tool of power and anger.

And that’s what I think you’re beginning to feel, the Night Warrior only stops when the Night Warrior wants to, and not what any commander says, in the long run, it’s not sustainable in a faction that depends on cohesion and compromise, and is increasingly dividing it.

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I totally remember when the Horde did that, multiple times, because the Warchief position was basically an enforced dictatorship expressly invested with that power. As you have seen from the last several expansions, it’s worked out great thusfar.

God, it is so strange to now think that the Alliances hierarchy is now closer to the old horde now that they have adopted a council system.


its not cause he role is not about faction-wide political control,[[4]]) but something related to military control similar to [Anduin Lothar]'s former position as Supreme Allied Commander.[[5]] The High King only has control over the forces given to him, and leaders who don’t like his calls can choose not to commit their forces

you wanting it to be doesnt change the fact that it doesnt work that way, the alliance has always been equals

You did. At least twice a week on different posts saying the same thing. Aka spaming.

They are the writters. You are not. They will keep doing what they want regardless of you posting the same conspiracy theory about them hating nelves or not.

Yes you did and you know it. It s all over your post history. Wich you conveniently hide now. It s almost like you know there are things there that can bite you or something

Then we should stop writing anything at all ;))

There was a period of time where I made a lot of threads, but that was because I just got into these forums and wanted to get a few different points out.

And there is still a chance that feedback changes something. That’s now people got the loyalist option, for example.

it has always been hidden, and again I don’t see what I would gain from doing it?

One thing is critcizing. The other is making up conspiracy theories where the writters hate half the game, have some kind of secret anti nelf agenda, spam the forum with it, and trying mass flagging, gaslighting and strawmaning people every single week for guess what? Disagreing with this nonsense.

I mean if you want to count the War of Thorns as the ‘repelling the entire Horde’ or WC3, or Cata, when they were displayed to have lost multiple battles while they were being assisted by allies as ‘surviving on their own and driving the entire horde back repeatedly’ you’re free to. But even in the case of Tyrande and Malfurion that wasn’t ever really true, if such was the case then Darnassus would never of burned, there wouln’t be a refugee crisis in Stormwind and this whole expansion would of been a whole lot shorter.

Likewise your whole bullet point about the High King just isn’t true. Informal power, soft power is as useful as any other form of political capita. The dwarves agreed because they were threatened and Moira knew she had misstepped, it’s not a whole lot more complex then that. Likewise while the High King cannot order you to do a thing, to ignore him comes at your own peril. If he decides you cannot have support and has the sway with other nations, then no support shall you receive, and generally in war time they’re going to be encouraged to do so as mass disobedience would so disarray in Alliance command and likely result in a lost war.

Elected officials are not by default at the whim of the people, nor equal with those they work with. To assume otherwise is a failure of understanding global politics or the keys to power, as I said before, be thankful Anduin is a benevolent ruler.


nelf army wasnt even there

That plus the fact that until this day you still spit conspiracy theories and whinny rants every time you type something without contributing for any discussion here.

I would bet money that if a developer ever reads your rants about how they hate nelves and are purposely screwing players cause
reasons they will stop taking you seriously

But no playable people have experienced the same, in the form of a cinema, in the form of a rescue mission, how you just failed and burned all the people that were still there. Most of the people that were ever rescued were about 120 people out of over 900, and Blizz showed genocide in full cruelty, arousing incredibly strong emotions from all sides.

In this respect
I understand every annoyance when one has emotionally clung on to something and I do not condemn it per se. I just try to argue logically with it and also to pay attention to the positive aspects.


you should read elegy

Yeah, they really weren’t. Tactical incompetence will put you in a position where your holdings are going to wind up sacked.

By the time the Night Elves turned around the Horde had secured Darkshore and burned Darnassus. If they could always take the Horde on their own they would of attacked there and then. But that’s not the hand that was played, they moved to Lordaeron instead for a considerably less successful siege of Undercity.