Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

It isn’t. It’s just that if you read over her post history, you’ll find that she has no hope of anything good happening to the Night Elves ever again. The main theme of what she posts is that Night Elves are doomed to extinction, Tyrande will be a villain, no Night Elf territory will ever be regained, no Night Elf character will ever be shown to be powerful, their culture will be eradicated, and the race will forever be ignored unless Blizzard decides they want to haul them out one more time to be the victims of an atrocity, because the devs at Blizzard hate Night Elves and their players.

A lot of people are pessimistic about the future of Night Elves in the game, but Elesana is by far the most pessimistic poster on this board.


The part where you point out Night Elf had good things given to them over the years and had victories in the past and that Elessana is complaining about things not getting better pronto when they will take time to happen might also be a good reason to dismiss her as an overly biased and unreasonable individual.

Oh and there’s the part of trying to mass flag you and report you for disagreeing with her. That MIGHT get you some hate. =P

But back on the subject:

Yes there are good points that the night elf narrative was lacking in a lot of aspects and it’s good to see the devs at least acknoledge this. Now it’s a matter of wait and see if Tyrande’s arc on Shadowlands will really be an arc or just another badly written mess. But that’s something we can only especulate about it so we can’t be fully sure if it’s gonna be good or bad.

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I see, I mean while I disagree with all of those points, i’m not entirely sure anything save my personal belief that Tyrande will be an anti-hero from here on out will be anything less cynical. For example I tend to believe that Tyrande has already shown to be powerful(With the asterisk that said power had limited screentime.) but becoming a deity tier fighter came at the expense of fundamental portions of her character. She may of one shot people left and right, but it only came as a result of her being a straw nihilist who seems to actively hate Elune now for forcing her to trade for the power needed to win Darkshore.

Likewise, I don’t think more Kaldorei culture will be destroyed in the future, but that’s because I think the Night Elves as an independent nation are already functionally dead.


The part where it’s done because Blizzard hates Night Elves and their players is important, though. Once you start with that assumption, of course everything is going to look bleak.

I think with Tyrande, they’re going to go angry!Jaina but to the max. And angry!Jaina is beloved by many blue posters, and her recent mellowing has been mourned by more than one.

Nice to see you’re still around and spreading this lie about me.

Well, if blizz would prove me wrong just a single time, then maybe I could start seeing things a bit more optimistic but so far there are no hints of the Night Elf story doing a complete 180 turn.


Bfa is over the nelves have there lands back they took darkshore back they are rebuilding and if you read elegy you’d know that tons of nelves survived packing stormwind
Blizzard told us the souls are important next xpac and they said tyrande is getting more story sorry but she is just plain wrong

What kind of dead nation wins battles in a war and takes land and the goes back after that war to rebuild


All people need is to check your post history. There s nothing to lie about even if I wanted.


Most proxy states that fight for larger empires wind up this way in one form or another. Sure technically they have their culture ‘intact’ but if Ngo Diem had maintained power Saigon wouldn’t of been Saigon. The Trung Sisters would of had their faces ritualistically cut to resemble Madem Nhus and Catholicism would of likely wound up rendering most Buddhists or Folk Traditionalists would of wound up second class citizens at best.

Technically they were ‘winning battles and taking land’ but i’d be hard pressed to say the ARVN really represented the will of the people, so much as they represented the will of the UN, it was a puppet state effectively that put on the affect of being a prospering culture.


The alliance are equals, unlike the horde, and the nelves proof there strength in 8.1 the whole alliance did nothing you say changes that, the horde lost the war, and the nelves pulled more than there weight for being a dead nation as you say

You people really do know absolutely nothing about the Horde besides blind factional hate and nelf fanboyism, huh?


Equals don’t live in the shadow of their allies, nor do they force other nations to reshape their system of governance at sword point. That’s why the title of High King has such a stink with it, it’s previous holder exercising his power over Ironforge tossed the whole equality thing out the window. Hell even the name itself does that, the king of Stormwind is ‘high’ above the other rulers of the Alliance.

Whether or not Anduin actually exercises that power to twist the Night Elves arm in any way the fact remains that they are no longer capable of independently defending their forests anymore. Not that they could in Vanilla WoW, but even less so now, they’re tied to the other nations at the hip.


But he is right

The nightelf pay a big price to change the tides of war, culturaly speaken

Here wronged you yourself. The nightelves are able to do that, and did it manny times.

As usual, I disagree with everyone here.

The big crime against the Kaldorei isn’t the destruction of their culture within the narrative, but outside of it. It has been a slow and arduous process since vanilla WoW.

It started with the removal of gender roles within their culture, which Blizzard did not as a narrative point, but to justify gameplay and support player agency for those playing a Male Nelf Warrior or what have you.

The Kaldorei being a hard theocracy should of had feminism ingrained into their culture, Elune being a Goddess of the feminine, and the Kaldorei worshiping nature to the point of the act of birthing being divine. Blizzard sacrificed world building for the sake of player agency, which is something they rarely do in any other instance.

The same can be said for Tauren Druids in Moon Glade… A decision also made for the sake of game balance (Despite Paladin and Shaman being faction unique classes). I am not against Tauren Druids as much as I am against Druidism as a whole being homogenized into the Cenarian Circle. In Cataclysm, this became worse with the introduction of Worgen and Troll druids. Once again, all homogenized into the Cenarian Circle. We are seeing a previously definable xenophobic and isolationist institution be very open with their borders and customs in a very short period of time. Again, for the sake of Gameplay, not narrative.

Cataclysm is we saw nothing but tragedy for the Night Elves. Darkshore begins with a search for survivors on the beaches, all NPCs we have come to be familiar with in the previous questing. Ashenvale, Hyjal and Stonetalon are on fire and/or deforested, Azshara has a goblin super highway and a Gallywix’s big ugly face carved into the mountain.

The return of the Highborne is once again a gameplay decision that strips the Kaldorei of their anti-arcane culture, which was something didn’t come from WC3, but Vanilla WoW… So they established a long-standing distaste of the Arcane, just to get rid of it like a fart in the wind. Once again removing another unique element of the race.

MoP had “A Little Patience”. Being the scapegoat to showcase how cool the new human King was, a tradition started by Knaack during Cata that continues into BfA. MoP and WoD is when Kaldorei started being depicted wearing Stormwind armor and colors, much like conscripts to some Imperial Legion.

Legion was probably the best it got for Kaldorei, but even then, we really didn’t get anything. I feel like the Nightborne was a pretty stupid idea, and making them very Azsharian Highborne-esque doesn’t really make sense considering it had been the birthplace of the Sisterhood of Elune before that.

Now BfA, which has continued the tradition of using Kaldorei suffering as a scapegoat catalyst for non-Kaldorei story telling, completely making the entire pre-cata Kaldorei story irrelevant.

The Kaldorei as they exist in-game have a greater capacity to rise from the ashes than we do as Night Elf fans who wanted something other than the Tolkien flavor of wood elves.

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nothing that happened to nelves Oh the dwarves, cause letting the dwarves fight a civil war when the horde is gonna attack is a good idea isnt it.

he role is not about faction-wide political control,[[4]]) but something related to military control similar to [Anduin Lothar]'s former position as Supreme Allied Commander.[[5]] The High King only has control over the forces given to him, and leaders who don’t like his calls can choose not to commit their forces

Umm they won darkshore with just the worgen helping them they are fine, the horde cant even fight naga.

the horde had to obey the warchief without question till the end of this xpac

It’s not true, like what would I even gain from doing it? 1 flag wouldn’t do anything.

That’s still not true, Ashenvale counts as their land too I don’t get why people always ignore that.


Yeah? You don’t call depending on the Alliance for food, water, shelter, and money as living in their shadow? Hard to describe it as anything else, unless those Druids grew a whole lot of pumpkins by the end of the war. As for fighting a Civil War when the Horde was about to attack it has nothing to do with whether it was smart or not. It showcased that the Alliance had the power to reshape one of it’s serving nations and that they were willing to do it in order to make them conform to the party line. That’s a nation of subordinates, not equals.

As for the whole bit about political wide control that rings a little hollow when much of the Alliance is put into a position where the other member states follow the leader. Sure you could choose not to allow the High King to influence you but fat chance getting any support from the rest of the combined forces if he or she decides they are better spent elsewhere. Thankfully Anduin has the personality of a young Terenas Menethil and decided to shove the Alliance PC off to help Tyrande despite her insubordination.

Oh boy, they won Darkshore? They literally got a foothold, a beachhead, on the land they used to own before the War of Thorns and this is supposed to be some kind of proof they can independently defend their nation? and even then with the help of Gilneans? Like I said before, the only way to make the idea of ‘Night Elves are stronger now then they were before’ halfway convincing would require Darkshore to be a Warfrontless stomp, with the actual Warfront taking place in Ashenvale.


So you are just assuming stuff too, do you even know what happens at the end of 8.3 they have more than darkshore, and I am not even counting ashenvale who’s status is unknown

yeah this just proves you never touched a alliance quest in your life, please show me the part when anduin punished genn and tyrande for leaving , oh wait there wasnt one, its almost like the devs are right about this.

An ego rub, self gratification, selfish desire for revenge due to the fact you take the loss of purple pixelated man in the make believe world unhealthy seriously.

It’s almost like you can’t read. If you actually looked at the post I was pointing out that basically the only reason why the High King isn’t vastly more oppressive is because Anduin is a benevolent ruler. Essentially, all the Alliance should be thanking their lucky stars that he took more after his mother then his father, hopefully he learned a thing or two about economics from her too.

And i’m sure they have more then Darkshore by the end of 8.3, but it was a struggle just to get back on the same continent they used to live in. Now that Sylvanas is vacated the throne and the Hordes soured on the war in general I would hope they were able to actually reestablish themselves in Ashenvale or that’s just…Eesh.