Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

One of two things will likely happen.

  1. She’ll spend a lot of time yelling at me because I’m Horde and when it’s all done she’ll still yell at me alot despite my help saving night elf spirits or Elune from the Maw or whatever.

  2. Same as above only at the end, she’ll be “I was wrong about you, Mother Moon forgive my doubts, where is Malfurion cause I need hugs” and her eyes go back to not black.

Either way, I get xp and loots, so win for me.


or option 3 she will just be killed off. I think this is a more realistic one.

Elune is evil and the Jailer and Sylvanas are good and then we end up killing Tyrande while fighting together with Sylvanas. Sounds like blizz quality writing right there.


Do you really think that the writers and devs were kind to Horde players this expac? If you were Horde you had to wear a villain bat while Blizzard tossed away a agreat opportunity for a story on conflict. (Yeah, I’ve been watching the Expanse lately which has taken over the spot that Trek used to have in my heart.)

They tossed t hat opportunity and settled for making Sylvannas Garoosh 2.0. Every Horde race got tossed into that role, whereas on the Alliance side the dmage was pretty much limited to Night Elves.


Didn’t you enjoy it on your Blood Elf though?

Not the stupidity part. I was extremely disappointed when the seeds of a promising story were simply plowed under.

What would have been a promising story though? Sylvanas/the Horde winning?

If you have access to Amazon Prime, watch the Expanse. It’s an example of conflict done right.

I don’t claim to be a writer, even though I’ve written. but anyone who makes a claim that this is the only way it could have gone through is doing lazy thinking.

I judge it by Blizzards standards and history though, and when we use that measurement it really was the only way it could have gone. I mean, the choice to rat out Saurfang was itself unprecedented, even if it still amounted to “play along”. Garrosh fans never got that choice.

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It isn’t hard to do. Just have the Night Elves thoroughly smash an army of Sylvanas loyalists, wipe a smirk off of Nathanos’ face, and dish a major defeat to Sylvanas herself. (and by defeat I mean a defeat along the lines of Teldrassil not the “defeat” of UC.)

And there really isn’t any reason for the Horde players to even have any questing involved with this. They don’t even need to see it horde side, especially with Sylvanas and company no longer part of the Horde.

None of this is rocket science.


You’re surprised? Hell their head writer is mediocre at best! They would rather retcon and change past narratives to fit their idea of a “cool” story instead of fitting the story with past narratives Every hallmark that makes a writer or story great is missing from the writers for WoW.

Blizzard has never really been known for their story telling, but this is just absurd. I find myself not giving a damn about the story or lore anymore.


Tragedy is fine so long as we get our dubs on it as well. How about a massive capture and execution of the Goblin population in Azshara? Or the capturing and fur hat making of their new Vampura friends? The hunting would be good…

Tragedy is fine as long as it doesn’t only happen to 1 race all the time and not ONLY tragedy, no positive moments for the Night Elves. There should be some points where it goes uphill too.

Whenever you think that the race has hit rock bottom, they somehow manage to make it even worse everytime.


They walk back on lore that’s in the games and stories as well. Why take word of god as the weakest form of continuity?

Possible, I guess.

It wouldn’t exactly follow with the amount of villain smashing they’ve been putting Sylvanas through in the last two expansions. Plus we all know that Blizzard doesn’t have the nuts to follow through on making Alliance characters less than lawful-good overdrive for very long.

However, nothing’s really impossible with how derp Blizzard’s writing gets these days.

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Haven’t you been defending the faction war in this game? Particularly this expansion?


I’d like to congratulate Night Elf fans on their stellar message discipline over the past year and a half, maintaining their collective screech and being rewarded with a vague and dubious promise from Papa Blizz that may or may not mean anything in the future.

Meanwhile, Blizzard knows that Horde fans have been successfully divided and conquered and will continue to ignore their concerns.


Now that’s pessimism. The same thing that many night elves who write here did, you do here as well and it has almost an envious taste.

Would you like to see the Alliance moving into orgrimmar and finally destroying the city and all of Durotar in a story scenario? Don’t think we have to be jealous of the night elves.


I wasn’t trying to be optimistic or really even constructive, but I won’t deny that I have been extremely annoyed at Horde fans who have taken Blizzard’s bait and caused the Horde playerbase to split in two, precluding us from demanding change from Blizzard in one voice because we are too busy fighting each other.

I’ve grown too cynical to try to correct that anymore and instead just throw shade around.


But it is to Blizzard. That falls in the realm of “things Blizzard will never do.” Call it cynical if you like but Blizzard would never throw us that kind of bone, they don’t even get what pissed us off in the first place.

in the end, every player interested in the lore wants a good story, that’s what unites us beyond the factions…ever thought of that?