Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

Tell that to the constant Horde players who post about how they want X, Y, or Z race/faction removed from the Horde.

Maybe not so much ‘constant’ now, but there have been quite a few of these.

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how else am i suppose to react to someone saying that the nelves didnt win?

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When did they win? Darkshore is still in the same stalemate it was when it started.

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when blizzard told us the canon is us winning

Oh of course that’s how it was. Can’t have them actually showing anything not important to them can we?


they show it in game, there stuff like the docks being rebuilt

Where? If you’re talking about Darkshore itself it’s not like that means anything given it’s undone again when the Horde control the place.

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yeah thats game mechanics for you

Yep so it doesn’t really prove anything. It’s like every other world pve/pvp thing in the past, just because you control it doesn’t mean you won it.

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Most things indicate that the Alliance won the Darkshore Warfront. Nathanos is no longer at Darkshore (having headed back to Zandalar before the Battle of Dazar’alor, and then we’ll see him for Nazjatar before he goes back to Orgrimmar, and he doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, either). The Horde’s version of the warfront is set right after the Alliance intro questing since the Horde has to save Belmont, and since that’s always the case and generals don’t change like at Arathi it would seem this is a gameplay mechanic like repeating dungeons rather than battlegrounds (Belmont also doesn’t show up in the Alliance version of the Darkshore Warfront, so it’s not like the Alliance players recapture him every time, either).

And even outside the Darkshore Warfront we have support that the Alliance won:

Most peculiar, though, is Blizzard made a cinematic for the Night Elves winning Darkshore, and just didn’t put it in the game:

Even more oddly, the quest “A New Hope” is technically in game, just wasn’t made accessible. However, if you have a Nightwreathed Watcher collected in your pet battle journal it will tell you there are three sources for it: Grimhorn for the Horde, Orwell Stevenson for the Alliance, and the quest “A New Hope”, I guess as leftover data in the game that they missed removing.


One of the basic lessons teachers impart in writing classes is “Show, don’t Tell”.

This is why any random quote in an interview or at Blizzcon will always be viewed with skepticism. Blizzard isn’t showing us anything in game, they are just telling us something.

Night Elf losses are shown in game more often than not. You saw the War of Thorns when Ashenvale and Darkshore are over run. You see the burning of Teldrassil. You quest through hundreds of civilians dying. You experience how weak the Night Warrior stuff is. This stuff is shown.

A Night Elf victory at Darkshore. Just an answer to a question at a con while the warfront remains eternally stalemated in the game. This is told.

You don’t have to be a Night Elf Fan to grasp the difference on this and understand just how terrible Blizzard has been this expansion.


At that point it is either ineptitude or willful failure.


Given the Alliance apparently won both warfronts I have taken that to mean the first run of both warfronts alliance version was the canon one and every run after was mostly gameplay mechanics, with the “alliance controlled” version of both zones being the canon state currently. The idea both sides kept knocking down the other’s HQ only for it to be rebuilt two weeks later is sort of ludicrous.

As much as I hate it, I think they don’t show Kaldorei victories because they do not matter to the big story they were trying to tell. Darkshore—insofar as global politics go—is a useless wasteland with no real strategic importance after Teldrassil burnt down, let alone after the goblins chopped half of it down and the Forsaken blighted most the rest. That is one of the reasons I suspect ever practical Sylvanas would of given up on it fairly quick outside of a token defense to keep the horde happy and the Kaldorei distracted.

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thats why a dev told us

Which isn’t good enough. You don’t tell people what happens in your story. It’s lazy.


look at that looks like they did tell us

Well there you go, I can’t really claim that’s not conclusive proof. Guess they decided to put it in after all.

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They literally just added it in today, kind of funny. And it’s honestly really awkward to watch, there’s no music, it’s not pre-rendered, nothing. It was labelled as a work in progress when it was datamined last year, but I guess that was literally it in terms of a victory cinematic.

Also like how Tyrande’s there but is completely absent in the warfront. It’s like that one one scene in Curse of the Black Pearl, where the governor comes out of hiding after all the undead are defeated and starts cheering with everyone else as if he’d been fighting with them all along.

Edit: Mixed up my PotC characters.


Not to nickpick but that was Governor Swann, Commodore Norrington was many things but a coward wasn’t one of them.


the one wowhead posted is the datamined one they havent posted the real one yet
thats why it says WIP and was posted in nov 2018