Blizzard has heard Night Elf fan points

You’re saying the win for Horde is NOT canon is the problem, both can be. Which in turn means the Alliance’s official final victory there is not reflected in the game.

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no its not the horde was kicked out of darkshore so them winning isnt canon

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You clearly don’t understand territorial control or how long battles can last.

No, the Horde one can be cannon, it would only have to precede the final Alliance one.


I think it would make more sense, instead of fooling yourself with your own expectations, to look at Blizzard’s final version first, and then judge whether Blizzard has really heard it.

You can say a lot in an interview when the day is long and I don’t see the point in letting Blizz lie to me.


doesnt matter cause the winner gets the territory and the nelves won the warfront

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Sometimes when I look at your discussions, I wonder what the point of discussing with you is, when you’re going around in circles anyway and you haven’t understood the basic criticisms to date, or you’re totally opposed to them and think that what Blizzard has done is enough for everyone on the forums, honestly, that’s no offense, but reading the last two discussions you’ve had gives me discord flashbacks, in the sense of: “Huh, that’s the same as there?”


But hasn’t happened. They’ve already gone on record stating the Elves victory and now the war is over. So why are you trying to backtrack? Until they change it in the game or walkback that statement (a retcon) the Alliance won Darkshore.

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I think it’s more about the fact that both ones can be canon. The Horde could’ve reached Darkshore after the scenario, killed a few hundred more Night Elves, claimed it and then after that the Night Elves came and reclaimed it.


But with the war over and the devs going on record saying that the Night Elves won that’s really it. It could have gone back and forth during the war but that’s over and the devs have already told us the outcome of that conflict. So unless they go back on that canon is that the Night Elves won.

Could this have happened, yes. But until we get evidence on that it’s irrelevant becuase the devs have already told us what the canon is. That can change but until it does the current canon stands.

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The only thing I could see the Nightelf players get is that Tyrande kills Nathanos.
I actually think he won’t survive Shadowlands.

What, you don’t approve of entire threads being derailed with inane “no u” arguments either? Just report the troll and ignore them, that’s the best course of action.


Unfortunately this is quite possible. Which means that how ever pissed off the Night Elves fans are now is only a small fraction of how pissed off we will be when and if this happens.

That would definitely be way waaay too much. If they were going to kill of Nathanos it would’ve been 8.1, but the head writer won’t let his most hated race kill his favorite character.

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lets be honest, the night elves would deserve the death of Sylvanas and now Nathanos as well, we don’t know if that will happen in the end, but they would deserve it.


Genn called dibs back in 2010.

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genn had his chance…in stormheim, but you´re not wrong.


So if I have it right, he is basically telling NE players ‘trust us and wait to see the whole thing play out’ and to Horde players he is saying ‘it isn’t like you had to play the content we release’.

The problem with the first is that past track record with that suggestion hasn’t been great, particularly since they said the same at the start of BfA, and the problem with the second is A) it shafts the Horde players who didn’t want to be villains and B) it stops applying the moment the War Campaign starts which pretty much is a prerequisite to a lot of things in the expansion.


which is funny because they rewarded a mount at the end of the quest chain, so if you wanted that you had to complete the quests.

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Recently, I am often disappointed in WoW’s story, so it wont be anything new.


Can’t have a meaningful revenge event in 8.1 because muh werfrunt.

If you think Tyrande’s “”“story”"" in Shadowlands is gonna he anything other than meaningless and more “Patience Tyrande” then you’re delusional.