Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

I’d assume the most common ones would be added first, and you would be able to create your own as long as it’s within code of conduct and it’s appropriate, I don’t see why not.

It’s an obsession.

Can we all stop feeding the troll please? He does this at least once per week.


This is it boys and gals the thing to save all wow! A pointless pronoun indicator so you have your label to feel everywheres a safe space so your fragile feelings dont get hurt because someone dared to GASP! misidentification on an internet game! Oh the drudgery!

Ugh the world is doomed when these soft people take power.


You know, you’re free to ignore the customization. It’s an option for those who do want that customization to their toons. Please relax, this is just a game.


Isn’t “boys and gals” kinda offensive now?


Said every generation about the next since the dawn of time.


Yeah it IS just a game. Where things of that nature are pretty pointless. Its not twitter. My toons gender is what I want so you can already swap on a dime to suit youre needs.

A “title” is pointless. They want something more usable allow better customization sliders and such.


At this point everything is offensive. No ones happy everyones a victim. Its gotten old. I really dont care. If male and female words offend idk what to say because as a human you are one or the other. Sex wise. We are not robots, mammals are usually one of two. I am not refering to gender but biological sex terms.

That we have come to a poi t that those two basic concepts are now debated and trigger people shows the very reason I cant stand being on social media anymore. Its become a circus.


since there are only two i am not sure what the fuss is all about


Well…seeing as each generation seems to fail to learn from the past and the turmoil we are in socially and worldwide. Id say its accurate enough.
The human race fails to change.


Yep, we’re definitely in a worse place than the 1800’s, I tell you hwat.

No one ever told you to tolerate something that was good.

I agree with you 1000%


This is literally the dumbest posts I’ve read.

How about you just ask for a third option and leave the people alone that want to be male or female.

I don’t get the fixation on gender. “Look at me and how special I am.” Just stop it’s dumb and you just want to be outraged about something. Meanwhile 99.9 percent of the player base just want to play the game.


Just “they”, “champion”, “maw walker”, etc…

Still prone to hysteria, tribalistic thinking. Beliving some forms of government will be different this time dispite it always failing. Psycologically always out for power or to one up and gain a better position.
We care far less about family and community now then we use to.
I was also refering to the past 60 years.

Then we have the flat earthers…yeah…

The earth is flat, the reason you can not tell is that there are an infinite amount of identical earths connected to each other. When you fly off one earth, the you from another earth is flying onto the earth you just departed hence giving the illusion of a globe.

This is simple science.

People like you are rapidly turning the common sentiment on this subject from neutral to negative. I implore you to stop while you’re ahead. A lot of damage is being done and I’m not sure if it will be repairable if it continues.

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There is no such thing other than as an incorrect construct currently in (mis)use.

There are a raft of gender-specific pronouns* out there, inclusive ones, that do not break the language - for some unfathomable reason (probably related to the fact that the post-millennial generation is functionally illiterate as a whole), those were abandoned in favor of using plural pronouns to refer to individual persons.

* Here is a list of gender-neutral pronouns:

  • He/She – Zie, Sie, Ey, Ve, Tey, E
  • Him/Her – Zim, Sie, Em, Ver, Ter, Em
  • His/Her – Zir, Hir, Eir, Vis, Tem, Eir
  • His/Hers – Zis, Hirs, Eirs, Vers, Ters, Eirs
  • Himself/Herself – Zieself, Hirself, Eirself, Verself, Terself, Emself

I think the English language has just went down the tube.

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