Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

Mine shall be majesty or your highness will do. You must also kneel while addressing me.

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It’s not that.

It’s the need to control the speech of other people. In NY it’s already considered harassment if you use a person’s incorrect pronouns. That is a criminal offense. The list of accepted pronouns is already 30+. Pronouns, relative to these types of people, have already lost all meaning and since they convey no meaning, it’s only about control.


For me, I will use them out of respect for the personage; it literally won’t kill me.

What MY problem is when they are jerks about it.

My rule is simple. I don’t care what you identify as, just don’t be a jerk and don’t stand in the fire.


I can agree with that.

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I will use he or she. There is a trans woman at work and I have 0 qualms calling her she but there is no way in hell I am going to be able to remember someones crazy pronoun. I barely care enough to remember peoples names, how am I supposed to remember that?


Found the bigot.

I barelt even remember my own name at times. I will do my best to be respectful but if the only way I can say your gender is by doing slam poetry, then you’re just trying too hard.

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My problem with the pronouns thing is that what they’re doing with them isn’t pronouns. It’s titles.

I have absolutely no problem with identifiers for every conceivable gender (or other classification axis) of human being - none at all.

But if I see what appears to be a woman crossing the street and hit by a bus, am I supposed to wait until she regains consciousness and obtain her preferences to say, “I saw her, officer. She was in the crosswalk.”

They’re language shortcuts, nothing more, nothing less.

By their nature, they are imprecise.

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Lady gurgles as her lungs fill with blood “Its xer you jerk”


Exactly. The purpose of pronouns is to provide a simple, somewhat grammatically vague reference to a person (or I suppose a pet or ship or country - I’ve seen usage like that). Having to know intimate details about that person in order to use pronouns without public ridicule is nonsense.

Now, if we had prefixes like “Mr.” and “Ms.” that conveyed gender identity, that seems a much better way of handing the justifiably diverse number of those out there.

But “they” is plural. It has always been plural. In my example before, “Officer, I saw them. They were in the crosswalk.”

Officer: Who else was there besides the victim?

It’s confusing, and unnecessarily so.

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Don’t worry, I am sure a community council member is already on this.

Yea that’s gonna be a no.
I don’t think mental illness should ever be a character customization.

Class skins though? I hope they do it, especially dark rangers! There was a lot of “leaks” about them. Still hoping they have a few reveals up their sleeve.


This is a fantasy world game, as long as there is no R18 content, they are free to do whatever they want.

This either benefits you (I’m happy for you!) or you can ignore it’s existence (I’m happy for you!). Either way, people can get choose to get what they want out of this.


This is why I’m confused on those who don’t want it. It’s completely optional.

No thanks. Nobody should associate themselves with those who don’t respect their use of pronoun if they request so. Just like Blizzard should ignore those who aren’t okay with optional customization.

Other than like 10 titles, I don’t remember if my character has ever been identified by any kind of direct gender or sexuality. It’s always “Hero”, “Champion”,“Commander” for dialogue and “You” when reading quest text. Other than a broad non sex option for a few titles like “Crazy Cat Person” I’m not sure where character gender even matters other than selecting the model. Correct me if I am wrong.

As an actual trans person, stop speaking for me. I don’t consent to you speaking for me.

I don’t need special customization for pronouns in game. I have an addon I can use for pronouns.

A good number of trans people will just pick a toon that aligns with their identities and don’t need anything. Non-binary people would benefit from an androgynous body type model but that’s not pronouns.

People who are roleplaying a trans character are going to be running TRP3 which has pronoun support.


This is a public forum. You don’t consent to anything other than blizzard ToS. Also, I’m not speaking for you, because clearly you’re views don’t align with adding simple pronouns to a video game.

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I’m sick of you acting like you speak for me. Stop speaking for me. Literally no one is asking for what you are demanding in this thread.


There has been no news because it was a non story. The data mined change was only a change in development documentation and it referred to the code that determined which armor graphic to display when a character equips it 
 code that has been in the game since launch.

It actually says as much in the article but people got too wrapped up in the click bait headline to read past it.