Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

I wanted to bring attention to future customization options, specifically for Dragonflight. At the end of 2021, there was datamined info on the future use of pronouns as a gender customization option. There has been no new news but its likely inside the game files for future use.

Has there been any updates on when this will be added into the game? One of my biggest complaints is the lack of customization and gender options. A lot of other games already adopted the use of pronouns such as Forizon Horizon, temtem and saints row 4. The list is growing so I think itā€™s a great opportunity for WoW to adopt this. I also hope they add in a lot of different ones such as them/they or even personalized ones that are within TOS.

I really hope this datamine is real and it gets traction again. No new updates since but would like to hear from blizzard on what their plans are for dragonflight!


Being trans myself, Iā€™m looking forward to no longer being referred to by the impersonal and detached singular-they.

I play female characters for a reason, after all.


Does this game even use pronouns?
I assumed the game used the same text for both male and female characters.
Iā€™ll admit Iā€™ve not paid enough attention to confirm either way.


I think all policies should follow the code of conduct just as everything else in game does!


Thatā€™s fine. Empathy means respecting other peopleā€™s wishes anyways.

Not that hard.

Of course, no good will come out of a Tuln/Talonel thread.


I donā€™t wish ill on OP or any LGBTQ person. I just genuinely donā€™t understand why some people base their whole life and personality around their gender / sexual orientation.

No hate here. To each their own.


I think thereā€™s a big distance between ā€œwanting to be called the correct pronounā€ and ā€œbasing entire life and personality around itā€.


I try to empathize, but to be honest, I forget a personā€™s name five seconds after they tell me. When I have to include pronouns, which are constantly expanding/evolving, it makes it even harder.

That aside, the pronoun issue fundamentally changes language as we know it and how we communicate with each other. It gets even harder when we are talking about multiple languages and not just English.


Weird itā€™s been brought up for weeks by far better activistsā€¦

Cool, but again, I wonder if you know of the backlash with all the retcons.
I get it you want more, so demand it, donā€™t change whatā€™s there fight for a new character.

I really think you are just posting another contentious thread, one that has actually been covered for the last few weeks. I also notice your ā€œattemptsā€ at only choosing select portions of the TOS and ignore the document as a whole. But hey itā€™s you! And thanks for the 2 new alts that popped here supporting you! Itā€™s getting so easy to see them now.


I worry that I may be getting a little too real with this analogy but I need to convey the feeling.

Imagine a young girl who wants to grow up to be a beautiful princess. But instead she gets beaten with an ugly stick and transforms into a horrible ogre, and everyone in town tries to be nice, but they all describe her as an ogre. When it comes to social hierarchies, sheā€™s at the absolute bottom and short of some fairy tale miracle, thereā€™s no hope of ever being remotely middling. And every time people use the word ā€œogreā€ itā€™s a reminder and reinforcement of this painful state of being.

Thatā€™s about what it feels like.


ā€œYou are not special. Youā€™re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. Youā€™re the same decaying organic matter as everything else. Weā€™re all part of the same compost heap.ā€

-Chuck Palahniuk


Singular ā€œtheyā€ has been used in English for hundreds of years.


When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in an eternity before and after, the little space I fill engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces whereof I know nothing, and which know nothing of me, I am terrified. The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me.


:ringer_planet: :earth_americas: :space_invader: :ringer_planet: :earth_americas: :space_invader:


They arenā€™t. Like 99% of them are just trolls.


Many are and Iā€™ve met plenty IRL. I suppose I was as well at one point, until I realized how much it was warping my personality.

What does that have to do with my post? Suicide over someone calling you a pronoun you donā€™t like is a mental health issue.

Also ā€œtheyā€ has never been historically used as a non-binary pronoun. This is a blatant lie thatā€™s being told over and over again. Itā€™s correct use is as a plural. It has been used when the sex or gender of a person is unknown or deliberately being concealed. Even this has always been controversial with many linguists claiming this use is incorrect. Itā€™s never historically been used to describe someone as not being male or female. This is a recent phenomena.


The issue here is the default implicit assumption that members of the majority group donā€™t make their identity revolve around their gender or sexual preference or religion when, in fact, they very much do. It just doesnā€™t stand out because people are accustomed to it. See: a century+ of marketing, the most common themes cropping up in literature and entertainment, discussions with friends and co-workers, etc. So much of it revolves around ā€˜being a manā€™ or ā€˜being a womanā€™ or ā€˜did you see that guy/gal? yum!ā€™ Get your testosterone pumping, feel like a woman, high horsepower, meet Mr/Mrs Right. Itā€™s at the core of what we do, itā€™s part of being human and having sex drive and identity in the first place, and LGBTQ+ people are no different, unsurprisingly.


As long as they donā€™t get rid of male and female as options, I donā€™t care.

Edit: No, itā€™s not one of the biggest complaintsā€¦ its one of the minor ones at best.


Blake is going to the store. Do you know when they are leaving? What gender is Blake?


You claimed to be defending the rigid structural integrity of the English language (lol)

Obviously, yes. Does this somehow make it less important to treat people respectfully?