Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

Oh ya… add in a legendary lack of awareness too.


Good thing modern psychology disagrees with that.

But let me guess - you think you know better, right?

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Don’t need to. The DSM 5 will do it.


This is like the Gurubashi Arena of forum threads.


Same could be said about you. But then again, you live for this trolling, so here’s your bite. Do tell me oh perpetually offended one, what does getting your pronoun affirmed by your group do for the dungeon? Do we get more dps? Or do we get a battle when we just say k?

Tell me again what gender adds as well? Again waiting, you seem to avoid that question a lot in every one of these threads.

My side? Kiddo, you are ridiculous, I marched for the rights you have today. Now you want more, cool, but do you need it in the first 2 minutes of a dungeon breaking immersion for everyone else to placate you and only you?

You have not added anything of value here, and if you aspire to be a T… yeah, don’t know what to say but be better.


We all use hero/champion. Sometimes a maw walker thrown in.


Well ima gay person that had dysphoria during puberty and 88% of the people going to these clinics these days are in exactly in that same boat.

we actually dont know the long term side effects of the new way of affirmation and medicalization. in some ways we do, we’re seeing sterilization and legitimate trans people not being able to have safe surgeries bc of the medicalization being so early. (not enough tissue growth for safe surgery bc didnt have puberty)

i know personally i would not be here today if a predatory adult was affirming the anxieties i was having about puberty.


You already did, actually. Should probably go back and read your post.

You must have a pretty funny definition of a lot of things, especially given you liked someone’s post about DSM 5 which is quite a few years outdated~

Not really, though your own is. Hence the whole thing coming up about you refusing to call someone by pronouns.

Yes, it’s very clear that’s all you care about.

As well as

Talking to yourself is in the DSM somewhere, I bet. :3 Yet another thing more accurate to yourself.

Not at all, mine is pretty thick by now. :3

That would be you, clearly.

What does chatting at all in an online MMORPG give? If you don’t like communication, chatter, and people engaging with one another in dungeon groups you’re free to play a single player game~

Same as the rest, imagine that~

Ah! More assumptions too.

No you didn’t. :3

So essentially, any chat in an online MMORPG especially in a dungeon to you is ‘immersion breaking’? Curious. Might I suggest doing dungeons with a Roleplay group? Then again, all RP addons have pronoun sections for chars so that might just make you leave too.

Sounds like an issue for yourself, you can stop applying that to others via projection now. :3



That’s pretty much it.


Forum version of trade/barren chat nonsense


You don’t need dodge, I know you have the answer. If you said it, your whole existence here would collapse on itself.

Come on Pawzer, the answer is nothing. It adds zero of value, other than your opportunity to do what you are doing here in the game.

Sure did, been vocal about my activism here for years, but I get it, you avoid the common sense narratives to stay perpetually offended, sticking to your brand.

You all need a better troll topic, this is sad and does more damage to the community and you know that.

Again, I’d ask you to be better, but I sincerely think that people who live to battle end up petering out the fastest.


“Good morning, ma’am, welcome to McDonald’s. What can I get for you?”

“Excuse me, please don’t call me ma’am, my preferred pronouns are they/them.”

"Oh, my apologies. Good morning, they, welcome to McDonald’s. What can I get for you?


It’s been a slow day at work. This has been great :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Thanks yall


How about we just call people by their names? Who gives a flying f*** what they say or believe they are. Good for them. If your name is Jen I’ll call you Jen. If you tell me your name is steve, what do I care you’re now steve.

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Might I suggest you go play a single player game in that case? It seems MMORPGs and online interactions with other people is not what you’re looking for.

Clearly not.

You sure do, maybe you should get towards something you’re good at and let people advocate for good change since you don’t want to? :3

I do, but it appears it’s something you’re unwilling to do.

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What if your name is MacDaddy the Everchosen?

Great start! Now since you probably aren’t going to say “Steve went to the bank to pick up Steve’s deposit, I’ll let you know when Steve gets back” all you have to do is replace his name with he/his and we’ve solved this whole issue.


What sounds more natural?
I’ll use my name as an example:
“Have you met Mokrawr? Mokrawr is a shaman and Mokrawr likes to collect mounts. Mokrawr also collects pets and Mokrawr made a fortune selling them on the AH.”
“Have you met Mokrawr? He is a shaman and he likes to collect mounts. Mokrawr also collects pets and he made a fortune selling them on the AH.”

Which one sounds more like a sentence spoken by a person? Pronouns are a huge part of the English language and people vastly underestimate how often we use them.


Same could be suggested to you as well, you could encourage the NPC to address you how you want!

Really? I have you in 12 threads of this nature baiting people in the past week, do I need to go back further? Also, why do you always pop in the Ts threads? You fight for their troll more than they do.

I remind you again of this whole point you keep dodging kiddo:


I prefer to be called" “A pimp called Slickback” You gotta say the whole thing…