Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

Right, but not everyone is the same. It’s easy to say such things but not always so easy to follow through. Words and the like can break people down, doubts creep in. I wish we lived in a world where everyone had the strongest mental fortitude but that’s not the truth. :c

You know what they say, “A fool and his thoughts are oft spouted”.


Scenario 1:

Person: Hello, I’d like to be referred to by gender neutral pronouns.

Me: Ok.

Scenario 2:

Person: Hello, I’d like to be referred to by gender neutral pronouns in an online fantasy video game.


That is a pretty dumb assumption. What in the world would make you suspect that I’m “oh so against WoW using char names or the sex/gender”? Your silly imagination? And you call me ignorant. :wink: What I AM against is narcissists. Are you one? Does that explain your hysterics here?

Why would I? You, clearly, understood very little of what I just typed. This response is a non-sequitor.

You telling me I don’t understand…delicious irony. :rofl:


Perhaps creating words that will only cause situations that’ll ’ break them down ’ isn’t the best course.


thats a life lesson i learned from living through harder times.

i mentioned it bc i feel it’s relevant to the modern fact of people not doing enough introspection. its free and can be done pretty much 24/7 if you want to.

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Your entire post is an assumption.

As a reminder. Further…

Your entire post states that itself.

I understood just fine, that you have a strong heteronormative view of the world that you can’t shake and you assume anyone that doesn’t think the same as you has an ‘issue’ including for using pronouns when you too, use pronouns.

Clearly you don’t, which is probably why you should stick to your lane.

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I thought our pronouns in game were “Hero”, “Adventurer” & “Champion”?
No need for anything more.


I’m not sure I understand what you are saying. Words don’t need to be invented to be used by a bully at school. I think I need further elaboration to get what you are saying.

How many times are you going to prove his point on narcissism?
Your ignorant arrogance is off the charts…


It’s very paradoxical with the “Gender is a social construct that doesn’t exist” pushed by the same people.


To himself, to you? For being too much of just that to refer to someone by their preferred name, or pronoun? That you’re too important in an entire society to make concessions to others for their comfort and happiness?

Yeah, you’re the one that’s just that along with them.

Not to mention those who actually claim that biological sex isn’t real either. The smootbrained double think is insane…


Definitely and that’s why I agree people with troubling thoughts need help, they may be beyond their own self saving. I just don’t think people should try to edge others closer because it’s just a little word without understanding the mindset of the one currently struggling.

Hey. dont bring me into this.


Oh boy…I guess you proved you aren’t one of those narcissists. You also seem very rational and not unhinged at all. Emotion has certainly not taken over your ability to think rationally. :roll_eyes:

I made my point, it was clear. If you cannot accept it, I don’t care. You can bark and prance all you want, it won’t make anything better for you.



Ok let’s be real here, most encounter randoms in a dungeon. If I get into one and someone is asking me to call them X, I will do one of two things, leave or say k and not talk again. I am here to end that dungeon, I really don’t care what you do in your bedroom.

When people engage with forcing the issue, it takes away the fun for me, it’s like they don’t want to dungeon they want to battle every other issue that doesn’t pertain to WoW. It’s fishing for offense, and when people don’t bite the double down comes out.


Correct, I proved you to be one.

Right there, only care about yourself and no one else. Should probably look up the definition of words before using them.

Yet you’re still here responding too.

It will make it better for me since I advocate for changes for others, unlike yourself clearly~ But hey you won’t be able to keep spouting the same rhetoric.

Should probably get a thicker skin in that case, since they also have their char name in there and it’d be weird to refuse to call them that.

Good thing nothing in that is related to such things now is it? :3

You sounded quite offended for a simple ask, curious that~ Your side never does such things so well!


And in my view affirming somebodies delusion about their zi/zim/zer pronouns would be further exacerbating what ever issues they have. id rather just speak to them like they have potential to be who they are, but thats not it.

what it is, is an aspect of a doctrine that’s literally meant to destabilize people. and it’s working, to the point that people are literally identifying as it.

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Ok, Chief, but I’m not the one asking anybody to make special accommodations for me. Also, you must have a pretty funny definition of “proved”.

That is some pretty black-and-white thinking. Me stating that I don’t care if you cannot accept a point I made jumps straight to I “only care about myself and no one else”? Get rational, yikes. What word are suggesting I should look up here? lol

Yep. You can ignore me any time you choose.

What a hero.