Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

This would be absolutely incredible for them to add! I forgot about that datamining, but now that your remind me, I don’t see why they wouldn’t add this…I can’t imagine it would be difficult to implement at all, and would just be another inclusive way for people to customize their rpg experience. Really hope this gets added. And yeah, give us more than just the binary options of male or female…the ‘both or none’ options in the mining at the very least would be awesome to see implemented!

Side Note: I made a post in these forums after the DF reveal condemning the rampant transphobia in the WoW community…and Jesus, look at how people are reacting to this thread…despicable.


That’s… rather dismissive of anyone who isn’t in the majority group in a given society. I’m not in the LGBTQ+ alphabet, but I was pretty dismayed at having to be 40 before RPGs started having facial and skin tone options that came anywhere close to approximating my own. Yes, it’s a fantasy game, but I have enough empathy for people to be able to see how logging into create a character and being immediately hit with a reminder of how you don’t fit (after a lifetime of dealing with that and being dismissed for it) could be unpleasant.

And for someone who isn’t trans or non-binary, how does a tick box on someone else’s character creation affect you exactly? Unless you’re sitting there watching all NPC dialogue with other players, you’re completely unaware of it… and if you are, why does it matter?

I would actually like to make a dracthyr that isn’t gendered at all, because I think it would be cool to be a lizard person that doesn’t conform at all to humanoid cultures… they lay eggs and have scales for goodness’ sake… like it isn’t even just strictly a real world inclusion thing, it can play into reinforcing the fantasy as well.

I’ve yet to see anyone complaining in this thread explain how having (mostly or completely invisible) options and accommodation for other people, takes away or detracts from their own experience playing the game. It’s just completely irrelevant to their experience yet it merits fighting as if someone’s going to burn down their house and shoot their dog if it happens.


Oh I get it.

Biologically male people with mental disorders might get offended if someone calls them a male based on their understanding of biology.

This is actually something that happens commonly amongst Schizophrenic people and those that they interact with. Because they have voices in their head that they can hear telling them things, at any time, they often mis-hear the things “real” people say. They often mis-hear things they heard on the Television.

ShamWoW will clean your house NOW!
Could come out as:

It’s a mental disorder. Any sort of “Reasonable Accommodation” for disabilities as such, should be handled by the appropriate authorities. I lack the training and/or education to conduct myself in any such manner, with those who suffer from such a disability. I can’t be expected to operate under the regulations of a medical institution, due to the simple fact that I am a mere citizen, and not qualified to make decisions on how to judge the desired pronoun of someone with a mental disorder without posing the risk of offending them.


Treat people with dignity yes, but respect is earned not given freely


That made me lol :joy::+1:t2:

In most cases, when we’re discussing treating people with respect, dignity is what is meant.

…The ShamWoW commands me.

I will never understand why gullible bigots pounce on any troll-manufactured opportunity to belittle and run down mentions of gender/pronouns. As if most of you are even personal impacted by issues of gender identity in your daily lives.

Folks are goose-stepping right into this poisoned stake pit and telling on themselves over and over and over.


First of all, what ever pronoun you go by, fine, couldn’t care less. But if I ever meet a total stranger that looks male, it’s gonna be yes sir. A person that looks female, yes ma’am. That’s all I have to go by to define you, your appearance. If a person gets offended by being misgendered on the very first meeting, particularly “they”, not my problem. How the hell am I supposed to identify “they” on appearance.

Second, you are NOT your avatar, role play.


Cool, so it should be zero problem if someone wants to role play as non-binary or asexual, just as if a male player has a female avatar or vice versa.

Have you actually met this person? Got some stories to share? Or this is just a hypothetical that has nothing to do with character creation options?

It’s replacing class with identity. There’s too much historical evidence that the revolution based on class produces horrible results. So here we go again, another attempt to do Marx right.

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I have no ill will toward the lgbtq.

There were stories in this thread about how folks wanted to end it all because they were misgendered. I was merely pointing out the difficulty of identifying a “they” person from appearance only. So, you got any tips?

Because said stories are about people being misgendered by a random stranger one time, and not anything to do with repeated social settings that refuse to acknowledge their identity after being repeatedly asked to do so. Right.

None are saying you can’t do that initially. It’s when you meet the person and they correct you. It would be very disrespectful to continue to address someone in a way they don’t approve.

I think you’re confused that people will get upset at the initial mistake. It’s when you continue to make the same mistake, knowingly or not that people start to get upset and feel disrespected.

Reading the follow up posts, they’re not confused. It’s an intentional strawman.

i identify as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. My pronouns are antidisestablishmentarianism/pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

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My first thought it that this is because the Dracthyr model shares the same form between genders, or they’re cleaning up some code.

Most people who frequent the forums have run into this kind of person, who is not hypothetical, more than once. So yes. No stories to share though, most of us are doing our best to move on and ignore them.

Yea, because people in today’s society never fly off the handle for no particular reason…

Yes, if I have a friend that prefers a particular pronoun, like I said, fine, it doesn’t matter. That’s how I will address them.

But on topic, this is yet another example of a real world issue being brought into a fantasy game most of us use to escape real world issues. Can you at least acknowledge that as a valid reason for not wanting it?

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