Oh noes, the NPCs will refer to us in a non-derogatory manner?! Whatever will we DO! >.>
Haven’t you already noticed in all in-game cinematics and voiced sections, the player’s name gets swapped out for “Champion” “Maw Walker” “Hero” etc?
This is entirely a non issue already.
This is a little irrelevant since they started having every NPC refer to us as “they”, no?
I hate what the world has become.
English teachers rolling in their graves so hard at this we solved the energy crisis.
As someone who is possibly apart of the LGBT spectrum, I implore you to stop making these threads. Nothing good comes from them.
Here’s an interesting article on pronouns btw:
Read it if thou would like to learn a bit more.
Spoiler "They" has been used to refer to a singular person for 100's of years
A shred of entertainment value, topped with the loss of faith in humanity
blizzard has been on top of the moderation today. Wish they could do the same with tuln/tal troll threads but I’ll take what I can get.
Pronouns are a way to identify people with Gender Dysphoria.
It’s in all sorts of medical journals if you want to look it up.
No one who doesn’t have gender dysphoria uses or cares about their own pronouns and only uses them to benefit people in their circle who suffer from the mental disorder.
If the mental disorder does not exist, neither do the pronouns.
Kinda like cancer and chemo. You can’t have chemo without cancer. Otherwise it’s just Chemical Torture.
In b4 someone tries to use some pseudo-science made up by a sociologist and calls them neurodivergent.
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Call some insecure dudebro “her” and watch how quickly you’re proved wrong lol
We’re all always referred to as “Champion”. I’m sick of hearing that too.
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Upon first glance, many WoW players must know whether or not the potential exists for Snu Snu.
That’s out of context though.
When someone purposely calls someone who is male, a female, it’s a deeper insult than just, accidentally forgetting your pronoun.
They are directly insinuating that the person is weaker, smaller and lacking testosterone, and probably enjoys the feeling of being penetrated by a man’s genitals.
That’s a huge difference than just simply forgetting someone’s nick name that they use in bed, that they chose to share with you involuntarily, even though you have shown zero interest in knowing any of the details of their sexual preferences, whatsoever.
When someone purposely calls someone who is male, a female, it’s a deeper insult than just, accidentally forgetting your pronoun.
It’s like you’re thiiiiis close to getting it. I think you could, if you tried.
I was not expecting to read this while consuming my pizza leftover
it looks like loosening armor restrictions to me
Idk why this made me actually lol at my desk and confuse my coworker outside my office
How exactly will this make the game better?
How will this bring the community together?
In a fantasy world, why are people bringing in their real life issues into the game? Nobody cares what anyone else self identifies as.
Video games is not therapy.
based on what they “like” to do with their genitals in the first place.
that they use in bed
You seem awfully obsessed with what people are doing in private.
Not sure how that relates to pronouns and being respectful of other people but you do you I guess.