Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

I addressed this in my post. Maybe read before you respond.

So you agree then that when the biological sex of someone is known the correct pronoun should be used? And only they/theirs/them if it’s unknown? Cool!


I’d like to note that I’m not on this guy’s side lmao. Before my stuff gets lumped in with this

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My question is what Gender is Blake… I mentioned nothing of sex

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I just can’t see threads like this and see them being posted in good faith


Points towards MRP/TRP.

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I thought pronouns came from a “Cis-normative culture”.
Wouldn’t it be sexist / trans-phobic to include this in WoW?

What do you mean by ‘you people’?

It does quite frequently, yes.

Can say the same thing for heteronormative people, to be quite honest. See it in movies, TV, everything else all the time. The same old tropes.

Wonder why the people that usually say this get so offended when lines of text in a video game get changed, including something like the OP suggested.


Well, yes. Because you said:

We’re kind of on the same side, but I take a different approach :stuck_out_tongue:

At the character creation screen today I can see:

♂ Male
♀ Female

Is there something new that was announced that would change this?

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What and Why can’t we just play a damn video game?


Pronouns aren’t a mental disorder. They are to help individuals identify themselves (on their own). There’s no harm in doing so and studies have shown that.


Quit trying to add unnecessary things to WoW


Post of the millennium! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


How is calling a biological male "he’ or a biological female “she” being disrespectful? Requiring people to rewrite an entire portion of language and change innate instinctive behaviors is beyond disrespectful.

Did you know that most mammals can recognize male vs female faces when they are infants? This is a hardwired instinctual behavior that human being evolved with. Requiring them to pretend someone is the opposite or neither is just weird.

I support everyones right to live how they want to live. If you are a dude who likes to rock lipstick, heels, and dresses do you! Live your best life and live it fabulously. If you are a chick who rocks buzz cuts and dickies knock yourself out. Because neither of those things are what it means to be male or female.

As a woman I find it offensive when a man puts on makeup and a dress and calls himself a woman. A woman is so much more than that. It is a lived experience that a man will never know. I am not a woman on the days i go without makeup. And I’m not more of a woman on the days I wear it.

I realize that there are all types of body dismorphic disorders including gender disphoria. If living AS the opposite sex helps someone live their best life then then by all means let them do it. But living AS isnt the same as being. This distinction is important and one we can make without discriminating against gender non conforming individuals.


I’m at work, actually.

Oh boy that’s quite a post that I’m not going to bother reading

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I still think they should market this game with soapboxes not included on the front page.
But I don’t blame the communities for wanting more, I blame the OP for always pushing it just too far. So many people in their community are tired of it too, when people push the envelope and label everyone a “phobe” of some sort, people get angry. When you add the element of over posting and making it like the whole community cares, which they don’t is where the toxicity comes in.

I wish that the mods would read more than the original post and see the levels of trolling that occur here.


I dont care what gender they are. I think gender roles are mostly harmful, esp to women. and codifying them by assigning pronouns to gender instead of sex is harmful. Any sex can dress, behave, live, love, work, etc however they want to. Gender and gender roles change constantly because they are social not biogical. I dont care about gender because biological sex is so much more important and determinative.


Pronouns are a way to identify people with Gender Dysphoria.

It’s in all sorts of medical journals if you want to look it up.

No one who doesn’t have gender dysphoria uses or cares about their own pronouns and only uses them to benefit people in their circle who suffer from the mental disorder.

If the mental disorder does not exist, neither do the pronouns.

Kinda like cancer and chemo. You can’t have chemo without cancer. Otherwise it’s just Chemical Torture.


The situation being discussed is not about someone but the collective whole of society. In a lot of these situations you cannot just ignore them and walk way. If people would just act like adults and call people by what they want to be called it we would not be in this mess. So it is not the people making a simple request that are being sensitive but those so petty and small minded as to deny it because of feelings I guess. But most likely it is just bigotry and hatred.

Do you not play this game? There are tons of sociopaths in game and that is a mental disorder. Then there is all the PTSD in the game as well.


:chair: :popcorn: :cup_with_straw:
