Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

This entire forum is losing it’s appeal as well tbh. Feel like the crowd we had back in 2020/2021 was so much more fun.


:roll_eyes: you’re free to leave this thread.

I’m not even talking to you. I know you probably think the entire world revolves around you since you definitely check some NPD boxes, but most people just think you’re a joke and that’s that.


All in the name of distorting our own reality in order to accommodate someone else’s. Control snd power. It’s a part of their fetish


Judging by the other threads this other person has created, you’re not going to pull much substance out of them lol


Daily reminder that this is a troll thread posted by someone who constantly makes over the top bait threads.


Got my post removed too. All I did was talk about how a different language writes its nouns and what we can learn from it. Meanwhile the guy calling people names has his posts remain un-deleted. Direct attacks against other users? Fine. Talking about an objective and entirely neutral subject? NOPE! Education = Trolling apparently.

That was the final straw to get me to unsub hope the censorship was worth losing yet another subscriber. Remember when they didn’t hide that number and could proudly boast about the climbing sub count? Yeeeeeeah… so long ago. It’s obviously not reversing otherwise they’d go back to boasting so that can only mean one thing.


The mods think you said something bad. They don’t remove things for no reason. Maybe you just need to re-read the CoC :point_down:

What does this have to do with anything in the game? Talk about game related stuff or stuff that is important to make the game better. The pronoun thing is just politics, and it needs to end there.

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Isn’t the game already ambiguous as it is? You can choose a male/female appearance but you can choose whatever name you want, masculine or feminine or neutral… Also when you hover someone it doesn’t say “Dwarf MALE Hunter” It just says Dwarf Hunter… I’m not trying to cause heat or anything like that I am just asking sincerely if it’s actually necessary. I’m a chick playing a male character because I like the male Dwarves :slight_smile:

Edit: I’m not against variety though :3 other options might be fun!

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I’m going to get in trouble for saying this, and I have TRIED to have real conversation about it, and am always attacked for it:

I feel like Non-binary is a form of drag. Nothing about your actual gender changes, you simply take on aspects of the opposite gender in order to gain that strength and be in touch with that part of your personality. And I get that 100%. But I don’t feel like it’s a gender because you can’t present non-binary without hair, makeup, clothes, etc…

I try very hard not to mis-gender people, but to be honest, when I see a non-binary person, I think "Oh, that guy (or girl) is non-binary). That’s my trigger to remember to call them “They”, but none of that changes their gender and I don’t see why it should.

Love to have the conversation without being attacked, and explain why it’s so important for it to be a gender and not a form of expression. Either way, I am 100% for people being who they are, but the words often convolute and makes it difficult for people to even begin to compute in their brains what any of this means.

And I know that was off-topic. As a member of the LGBT community, I don’t need any of this in the game. I play a Nelf Druid. My $15 a month barbie. And I am ok with that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Low hanging fruit troll thread but still a decent read, I give it a 6/10.

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I’m not sure why you think adding gender pronouns is “trolling”. I provided other games that already have this option. Are those game developers “trolling” as well?

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Here is a list of these “gender neutral” pronouns people will actually use:


They/them is a fair ask tbh
I know it wasn’t on your list but yeah

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Thank you for clarifying! I will make sure to add something similar in a new thread when voice my feedback!

It’s really not.

“They” and “Them” are well established in the language as plural pronouns.

There are alternatives.

This isn’t from a “I don’t want to acknowledge the legitimate differences between the multitude of legitimate genders out there” perspective.

It’s confusing. It’s sloppy. And it’s not necessary.

This argument in English has a long, long, long history. It’s not new.

At some point several hundred years ago there was a push to singularize “they” to provide a gender unknown (they didn’t really have the term “gender neutral” back then) singular pronoun.

It’s a step backwards in the language.

English already has a problem with not having a specific plural second-person pronoun (you is both singular and plural and gets us into all sorts of linguistic problems).

This does the same sort of thing, but in reverse.

Worse, because we’re talking about words that are never directly addressed to the person in question.

No one is misgendered by a pronoun spoken to them directly. That’s not how these particular pronouns work. They’re spoken about, not spoken to, and frankly it’s not anyone’s business how I speak about someone as long as it’s not with delibarate intent to harm.

I still maintain that what is needed is not a pronoun, but a title like “Mr.” or “Mrs.” or “Ms.” as that’s really more in the realm of forms of address than the they/them thing.

I’d not have a single problem with establishing an array of suitable plug-ins for that piece of the language.

But one person is one person.

The only marginally legitimate use of they/them for single personages involves the royal plural.


Julie: hey were is Bob
James: oh they are in the kitchen

Not exactly out of the English language to use as shown there

First of all, you’re not helping your case with your grammar here.

Second, I suppose we could have the distinction being in the verbs that are used ‘they.’

Julie: “Hey, where is Bob?” <— note differences from original.
James: “Oh, they is in the kitchen.”

In your example, you switch from a singular verb to a plural verb referring to the same person.

That is inherently wrong, I’m sorry. I am not saying this from a perspective of being mean-spirited or cruel.

It’s difficult enough to teach anyone English without deliberately introducing nonsense like this into it for the sake of appeasing folks who have already rejected alternatives that follow the linguistic rules broken here.

Also, unless Julie is going to go full-on PC Karen here, how is Bob going to know which pronoun was used in the query?

Also, this example from earlier:

A woman is hit by a bus in a crosswalk.
A witness speaks to the officer who responds: They were in the crosswalk and that bus just ran right over them.
Officer: I’m sorry, there was more than one victim? Who else was there?

You can provide edge cases where it’s less confusing, still grammatically questionable, but less confusing.

I can provide the same where it is more so.

It’s completely unnecessary. It reduces the value of the information being communicated (we lose the distinction between singular and plural - unless we alter verb usage too - something that could be a potential solution but is really awkward).

That list of pronouns that don’t break the language was created decades ago.

Given a well-established post-millennial pattern of discounting anything that comes before them as corrupt or inconsequential, I suspect this is more about inventing a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist than it is about finding appropriate pronounds for non-binary persons.


Oh no
A typo
Whatever will I do

My example was how the English language works. And I know for a fact that you and those you know use it in the exact same way too.

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