Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

What are they going to do, change Crazy Cat Lady to Crazy Cat Person? I don’t understand why this crap even matters in a game where you can change your character from male to female in an instant, just play as whatever you identify if you feel compelled?

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This whole thread is made by a malicious troll with the intent of pitting people against each other, harming actual LGBT+ posters, and baiting people into saying things that will get them b&.


If you truly think that, why do you keep coming back to bump my thread?

To warn those who dont know so more become aware to ignore your constant bait threads until eventually your posts die on arrival with no replies to feed you.:ok_hand:


Because everyone reacting to your nonsense needs to know what you really are so they can chill out.

Also I like to wait for you on both you accounts to slip up.


OP this suggestion is both extreamly triggering and mentally damaginf to those of us whom were not born with a gender.
Having people openly walking around showing off their gender those like me dont have is upsetting and a vile show of gender privlege.

Shame on you to feel so entitled to flaunt your genders around! This is outrifht violence against us gen-voids.

I don’t know what a gen-void is? Is that one of those newfangled xenogender things?

I only have one account and you’re wasting your time, and quite frankly that’s borderline harassment and creepy to follow and police another player.

It’s fine if you disagree with me and I’ve been very respectful with you. But to act this way is malicious and you need to control yourself!

No you haven’t I’ve watched you talk down to them for days. Actually talk down to lot of us who have been watching your “show” go on. You are the most disrespectful person in these threads, along with your alts. And yeah, you answer on the wrong one all the time.

It amazes me how many times you fight to disprove it too, but it’s you. I found another tell of yours, you know when you pull out an alt with 3 posts and open with I agree with you OP on all of them, yeah…

If you want to carry on this lunacy, go for it, but you need to learn that your speech patterns are easily recognizable. Maybe build a deeper character? Oh and again stop telling people to SIT on all of them.


Don’t give him tips on how to hide his alts
Its funny watching him mess up lol


You are right, the “it’s not me” stuff is hilarious!


It’s also creepy to speak over actual trans people on trans issues. It’s also harassment to provoke others into committing harassment like you are doing. You are not the victim here.

If you had been very respectful of myself or any other LGBT+ person on the forums you wouldn’t be speaking for us and you wouldn’t be speaking over us and ignoring our requests for you to stop speaking for and over us.

Speaking over trans people on the matter of trans issues in order to make us look like we’re making these ridiculous asks in order provoke others to harassing us is malicious. Especially when you have been told repeatedly to stop.

I will continue to stand up to people like you making ridiculous and insincere LGBT+ oriented asks on behalf of LGBT+ players and speaking over us on those matters.

If you don’t want people telling others you’re a troll, stop trolling and control yourself.

If you don’t want actual LGBT+ posters on your case, stop speaking on our behalf and find something that actually affects you to post about.


Okay great to know. Thank you for contributing to my thread and helping bring awareness!

I’m helping build awareness that you are a malicious troll trying to provoke harassment against LGBT+ players, and especially trans players. Hopefully everyone will realize that you’re a troll and people will stop giving you the attention you crave and just ignore you.


Sorry that you feel that way. I’m just here to promote more customization options for dragon flight. :blush:

I’m sorry that you can’t get it through your head that we don’t want you to speak for us or speak over us. I’m just here to tell everyone that you’re a troll here to provoke harassment against LGBT+ players with your ridiculous demands, and that you don’t speak for us and to not take their frustration with you out on us. We don’t deserve harassment because you think you know more than LGBT+ people about LGBT+ issues. :kissing_heart:


It’s not that he doesn’t understand, he just doesn’t care.


Because he’s either a troll or the worst kind of ally.


English needs more pronouns, for sure, but the list shown was developed more than a decade back and does not break the language as (mis)using a plural pronoun for an individuals does.

My thoughts on this are that we’re not really talking about pronouns anyway. I hear people say “So and so used the wrong pronoun when addressing me.” But that’s not how pronouns work. You don’t say to a person “She/He/whatever works in Billing” with the person you’re addressing as the referent because pronouns are almost exclusively third person use.

What is really needed is an extension of the Mr./Mrs./Ms. title if what is wanted is an acknowledgment of a person’s true (and proper) gender (whichever of the multitude of them it is - I have no problem with that).

But how is anyone being addressed by the wrong pronoun?

Referred to by someone else in a conversation? Yes, but I can’t see how a pronoun is involved in personally addressing someone.

My new favorite part about this post is the mods removed my comments that were not malicious in any way. And decided not to give me the option to refute their decision.

That just goes to show how far down the rabbit hole Blizzard has gone. Hope the Kool-Aid was flavorful.