Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

Stop trying to get her to dox herself.


I could almost vote for her…IF…if I knew she wasnt just going to align herself with democrats the second she got elected.

She didn’t get enough time to show one way or the other, which was the real shame. I wanted to hear her thoughts and ideas instead of the Democrats shutting her out.


Been watching her a lot lately. She’s really a decent person from everything Ive seen.
But then, I also love Jimmy Dore and hes as far away from me politically as it gets, lol…

Doesn’t matter if they implement this. If they do, cool. In Azeroth, it doesn’t matter what you are or who you’re ramming. What matters is that you don’t stand in the fire, don’t stand in front of the fire-breathing dragon, throw more dots, and don’t go all out until I reach 5 sunders. Pay attention to the fight and don’t suck… in the game. I won’t be toxic to you based on your gender, I don’t really care and don’t want to know. But I will give you a hard time and kick you out with -50dkp if you don’t pick up the dang orb and run to the center.

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And they were considered very conservative back in their time.

Yes, ma’am.

It all started 20 yrs back when every bloody kid had to get a trophy to feel special…not that they came in first but last still got a trophy…


You mean the people who are actively ruining the country.
" Making policy " means Jack **** if those policies do more harm than good.
And frankly, I don’t give a rats ** if you believe me or not. I don’t trust your opinion, or your ability to tell the difference between reality and the voices in your head.


Like I said…by conservative standards, sure. Vast numbers of conservatives dont feel the GOP represents us because it isnt conservative enough. Again…which is why Trump annihilated them in the primaries and financial support and why they were all forced to get on board.
This was a tweet today on twitter…

All 22 Trump-endorsed candidates won their primaries in Ohio and Indiana. The establishment GOP is dead.

Its the party of Trump now. Of course not even Reagan could be considered far right by many of todays Trump supporters given Reagan signed the Milford act because our black brothers in CA were carrying rifles. A REAL conservative would welcome ALL free man bearing arms.

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People really want to believe in something and when they ditched religion they turned to politics.


Cults are not political parties. What happens when he dies?


No. That was the last administration.

You know what does do more harm than good? Not enacting any policy and disregarding issues for a few buzzwords like “groomer”.

OMG!!! I get it now!!!
It’s mental health awareness month!
This is all just a big troll, right?
I was thinking it was just a full moon or something, but you’re just raising awareness for the mentally ill.


QFT! Oorah!

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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It’s sad that in the real world we have this, instead of titles. Titles would be cool to have.

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If you say so. This thread is only about adding customization into the game. I can’t address your inability to grasp that.

You’re so selfless… putting aside your sense of shame in order to help those who suffer.


This is a public game forum. I’m not your therapist. I’m making a suggestion for the game. What’s so hard to understand about that? I’m done replying to your nonsense.

lmao. By that standard the DNC should have been long gone by now.
we’re done here :wave::wave: