Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

I love how you guys NOW try to distance yourself from politics… after bringing it up multiple times by calling people “Alt-right” for disagreeing with your opinions. Sounds like the tables have turned really hard for ya, huh? :laughing:

Oh but the thing is, they have the capacity to be fair. You don’t. :slight_smile:

Plus, come on. Are you seriously going to look us right in the face and tell us all the bad things Lefties did?.. Come on. You’ve been pretty vocal about the Right in the past, so of coarse you’re not going to put in the same energy as you do with the left. :laughing:

I think you’re better off asking for an offical roleplay profile so you can put whatever you like to on there. :slight_smile:

And honestly, i have to give credit to Talonel … He at least asks for rainbow colors.

That’s what happens when you play rude games, you win rude prizes. That’s on you mate.

Pretty much. It actually does come full circle now thinking about it. That you can be so left leaning, you will end up on the right. It’s like a game of Pac-Man, but crapper. :laughing:


The horse shoe effect.
The far left and the far right have a lot more in common than they would like to admit.


Something I had to come to terms with a few years ago when I thought I identified with the right, but seeing the extremism on both sides cemented me more in the center while swaying to either side depending on the subject.



Honestly, it was the time when this whole “You’re voting for trump” phase THANKFULY ended that i went from liberal to center but have my foot planted on the liberal still.

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I was a democrat all my life, voted lib/dem.
I still consider myself a liberal, but I’m politically independent.
Don’t like the repub party, the dems have gone absolutely bonkers… would have voted for Tulsi though.


I wish Tulsi got a fair shot! She seemed like a popular choice to reel in Democrats, Republicans, and moderates alike.


I just vote for whoever would do best by the country to be honest. I didn’t vote in the last two elections, but I can understand why people voted for trump the first time.


It’s really not rude if she speaks the truth.


Want to hear something scary?

NIxon and Reagan would be considered liberal by today’s right-wing.


Yeah, that is another good point: the lines at which are drawn for these political labels are ever-shifting.


Ya, like how Obama is now considered conservative by the left.


He was a centrist, never left. He may have talked like the latter during the campaign, but his actions during his tenure were the former.

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Obama was a collectivist. Not exactly center.

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:roll_eyes: maybe if you live in a (conservative) bubble. You keep generalizing views of one side and thinking everyone shares those same opinions. You’re part of the problem.

Your lack of awareness is mythical…
Do you get paid for this? How much did it cost for you to abandon your self-respect?


Funny that this thread is still here

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Genuine question. How can I refer to a singular person with a plural pronoun like they or them?

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:roll_eyes: Stop lying.

That’s great, but I don’t believe you based on your responses.

The people actually making policy are the ones going bonkers…? :+1: :joy: :rofl:

nonsense. I have LGBT family who were hardcore democrats up til the last few years. Many of them are now Trump supporters even though they cant stand the GOP.
And Literally no one CARES who you believe or not in here, lmao.
People change their views all the time. Literally the POTUS has changed his views on major issues over the last couple decades like many others have. lol


The GOP hasnt represented CONSERVATIVES in 30-40 years. lol…which is precisely why Trump destroyed them in the primaries and in support. Theres a reason why the GOP loses elections…they dont respresent US and many of us wont vote for the GOP when they turn into RINO’s.
Not to mention the fact that JFK wouldnt recognize the democrat party today AT ALL, lol.