Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

Was it a stupid question? :thinking:

If you still miss the irony, Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t have enough crayons to explain it further.

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I refuse to get political as it has nothing to do with this thread.

Rude and unnecessary. But that seems to be the best your kind can come up with. Not worth engaging.

Again another unnecessary rude response. Iā€™ve been nothing but respectful about wanting pronoun customization in game. I refuse to stoop to your level of responses.

You can try. I like pictures.

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Likely due to you eating themā€¦
You asked a question, I answered. It obviously didnā€™t fit your skewed scale, but that isnā€™t my problem.


Hopefully he didnā€™t eat them all. He is suppose to draw me some pictures.


Pro-noun use IS politicalā€¦ Itā€™s an aberration of left-wing ideology.


Using basic grammatical functions, those damn libruls!


Please do not confuse progressives with liberals. Itā€™s quite insulting to liberalsā€¦
The Pro-nouns used by the left have no place in English grammar, so Iā€™m not sure what you meanā€¦


Man, conversations must sound really weird and stilted for people on the right.

I canā€™t imagine trying to get through a day without using the words he, she, or they.


funny thing about that is I have good friends who are so far left that youā€™d think we couldnt be in the same room together, let alone talk politics.
but then MY friends aint LOOKING to be offended every minute of the day, so thats likely it.
They trash my politicians, I trash ALL politiciansā€¦and we laugh and golf and laugh and golf. lol.
I think its not confined to the left, honestly.
My mother is VERY far right and that woman can find reasons to be offended just breathing air and existing, lol.
I think its individuals on all sides who are TRYING to be offended who are the problem

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I see reading comprehension is also an issue you have.


But what does that have to do with what I said?
I kinda agree with much of what you said, but it has little to do with what i said. Since the use of pro-nous ( pick one of the hundreds invented ) is something that came out of far left ideology.

So do you just use proper nouns multiple times in one sentence? Asking for a friend.


Before this thread? No. But they admitted to doing it in this thread so****. Straight from the horses mouth. Iā€™d link it but I donā€™t want to pop up in their notifications.

*** Not this thread but a similar one.

I imagine if someone actually did this it would sound a lot like Kevin here:

Seems like a lot of extra work with little to no pay-off! xD


ohā€¦just that yeahā€¦some things of ā€˜offenseā€™ are sourced from the left, but theres a lot of offended sorts on my end of the political spectrum too. (hard core conservative).
I have to watch what I say around my conservative family as much as I do the leftist ones, lol.
I think its an issue with the individual more than just a political issue.
You should literally go hang out with my mother for a day, lmao. She is every bit as offended by every little thing as anyone Ive seen on the left is, lol.

I mentioned Trump cheated on his one wife a while backā€¦BOOMā€¦shes offended, my brother and her are both getting loud and cussing, lmao. I did my usual thing of putting them both in their place and walked out before I popped a cork myself.

All because they were trashing liberals and I told them that how I handle a discussion with people I dont agree with politically is Iā€™ll break the ice by saying something negative about MY guy.
That allows the other person to see that ā€¦nopeā€¦Im not brainwashed. I dont think my guy is a god. Hes just a human being who makes dumb mistakes too.
It really helps the other person feel like they can have a back and forth discussion instead of being screamed or preached at.
Ive seriously gotten hard core atheists to sit down for HOURS and talk about religion, the Bible and God and literally tell me they enjoyed the discussion and wanted to do it again by doing things this way.

Point isā€¦I dont see this as always being about left versus right.
Many times its the person your talking to that is the problem, right or left.
so even with the pronoun thing. Yeah. they might want to be called ā€˜theyā€™ but the level headed leftists will just ignore you if you call them something else.
I know too many good hearted hard core leftists to believe its solely about politicsā€¦I guess that was my point.


It seems nobody is brave enough to make bait about the SCOTUS stuff. A shame that would be a entertaining conversation

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They already did and it was deleted by the mods nearly just as fast as they were made.

Donā€™t worry. Left is already on in the streets rioting over itā€¦


damn. I suppose you gotta connect it to blizzard someway. Like ā€œWill Blizzard support this or thatā€ what a shame.

Na this poster does these as troll posts. They posted something almost exactly similar on another toon of their and not very many people took the bait. I would not be surprised if this person actually does not have the views they are calming to have.

A very tiny % of the playerbase wants this as has been shown, the vocal minority and everytime Blizzard sides with what the small % want, the masses unsub.

This is a fake fantasy game where cows walk on two legs, dont have udders, they have boobs, goats are the same. And now pandas, wolves and foxes too.

This poster likes to speak for other people and not for themsleves on their own personal views.