Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

The more woke the game gets the more people will stop playing because woke is boring.


Yeah, i donā€™t get it either. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think itā€™s just one of those buzzwords that some believe sets off others. Itā€™s like how calling someone a bigot was a big thing for a while (still kind of is)

Exactly. Other companies going broke due to wokeness isnā€™t for no reasonā€¦


I dont think blizz will go broke because mobile games will finance them but WOW will certainly lose players.

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Groomer saw a resurgence due to the idiotic left referring to the parental rights bill as the " donā€™t say gay " bill. The recent use of groomer was a reaction to that.

Thatā€™s makes perfect sense that the right would take something out of context and then slap a new buzzword to demonize the opposition.

The right has been using the same playbook for at least a hundred years directed at whatever minority is the villain du jour.

They used the same rhetoric against jewish people, and then gay people, and now trans people, and basically anyone that disagrees with them.

Itā€™s so predictable you could make a bingo card.

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What if my pronouns violate blizzards maturity filter? :thinking:

Suddenly realized im being oppressed.

Iā€™ve seen weirder.

Iā€™m vaguely reminded of something from vanilla. I was playing the game with an orc named fatloser. And we could not call him a shortened version of his name because it could be taken as insulting. Of course his name over all is insulting so he likely would have gotten mad but it was still a very peculiar situation.

But what we would win in the end? :stuck_out_tongue:

I suppose catchy words and phrases must be simple and user-friendly for the morons that use them lol

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Is there a drool shield on your keyboard?
I mean, seriouslyā€¦
The left completely takes the bill out of context, slaps a buzzword on it in order to demonize the ā€™ right 'ā€¦ if you ever have an independent thought, Iā€™d think youā€™d soil yourself out of surpriseā€¦


Certainly explains why so many who use them voted for Bidenā€¦


Tell me, on a scale of 100-200, how many times have you said the words ā€œLetā€™s Go Brandonā€ and thought you were being funny?

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They already got it right. Thereā€™s 2.

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Never said it myself, so Iā€™d have to say none.

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Sorry, that wasnā€™t on the scale.

Itā€™s a awesome saying. I try to say it at least once a day.


Then ask a less stupid questionā€¦


After reading it all, this seems more tame than previous threads on the subject honestly.

Also, I know you want to stir the pot but you really should stop. Some forumers wonā€™t change their views no matter what. Get TRP3 if you want the options, they shouldnā€™t even bother putting this into the game.