Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

It’s also worth mentioning that some LGBT+ people vote republican or become conservatives themselves.


To some people it’s a means of ownership and empowerment. Realistically I think it’s a desperate attempt to curb the ever-nagging reminders of their own self imposed social disfunction and ostracization.


Can’t wait to be perma banned for joining and group and saying SUP DUDES!


How has this thread not been closed and locked?


Ahh another attempt at transphobia, I’m not surprised. Further proving that Blizzard does need such customization until people that can’t handle it go elsewhere. :3

Yeah, there is a decent bit of people that have a lot of self-hate, like Milo that also think they shouldn’t be.

Not sure what your point is, though. You’ve already proven by consistently liking such posts your stance on the matter.

Tbh I’m getting kinda annoyed cause like if you’ll really don’t care then stop replying to threads by Tuu/Tal. The more you’ll post, the more you’ll give them justification that they need to post about these things.

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Huh? You got Male. And ya got Female.

Thats it.

Thats the only two genders that exist.

Anything else is just roleplaying(pun intended).


It’s too hard for most of us to resist the temptation to say “Posting in a Talonel thread” I guess. :man_shrugging:

Threads like these also attract the regular forum quacks so it usually makes for decent entertainment.

Por qué no los dos? :crazy_face:

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Demi-gender where gender is replaced by man (or guy, or boy, or whatever) or woman (or girl) or just left as gender (for people closest to non-binary) are people whose sense of self is somewhere between non-binary and traditional views of male or female.

It’s still on the spectrum between male and female, it’s just a better descriptor for some people. It’s not remarkable.

I don’t get why you are so worked up by these things when there are people both ironically and unironically (likely reclaiming the one joke) saying their gender are things like helicopter.

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Actually your continuous daily posts on issues like this are trolling & disrespectful, period


Can I get a yikes up in here??

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She trolls every thread she comments in …she is always using 1/2 quotes & looking for fights daily.


Once again, no one asked your cisgender heterosexual self to speak for us. Once again you’re speaking over a trans person telling you to stop harming us. You refuse to let trans people speak on trans issues because you hate trans people. You refuse to listen to the LGBT+ voices telling you to stop speaking for us but you refuse because you are anti-LGBT+.

Stop pretending like you speak for us. You don’t. And not a single human being outside of your troll farm want you to post about this stuff.

I’m atheist and asexual so that’s a really weird accusation to make.


Very well said…but I don’t think it will change his trolling views.

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Your religious beliefs (except for your worship of the cult of ideology) and your sexuality are irrelevant.


My fav part of this so far is how OP is now fighting with an actual transgender individual about representation.


Why do people always jump to being a groomer?
Like, where’s the link?
I just don’t get it


Same I don’t understand it either. Dog grooming is an unappreciated job. It shouldn’t be used as an insult. Pet care is important.