Blizzard future gender pronoun customization

Stop putting words in my mouth. I never claimed to represent anyone except myself. So please leave this thread if it bothers you that much.


In the world of activism, it’s considered poor behavior to speak over members of the demographic being advocated for. Basically the voices of the actual people affected by the issue should be at the forefront.

In this case, I am actually trans.

It’s not appropriate or cool to speak over trans people when discussing trans related things. It makes you a bad ally.

As a trans person I’m telling you to stop.
If you want to be a good ally and prove you are not someone working at a troll farm, you’ll stop.

Trans people know how to post on the forums. We don’t need you to speak for us. We’re perfectly able to speak for ourselves.


Genuine question why do people care about this in a video game?

Like I get how it would be tiresome in real life to get constantly called a dude if you were identifying as a chick, but in a video game?

Like…cmon bruh.

It gets annoying in voice chat. But that’s a totally separate issue from in game pronouns.

I can see maybe non-binary people having issues with the current implimentation. But I think that’s more of a need for a visible androgynous option.

The OP is a troll. It specifically pretends to be an LGBT+ advocate and makes ridiculously nonsense asks to try and get people angry with LGBT+ people. I’m not convinced they aren’t posting from a troll farm.

A vast majority wishes he’d stop posting and go away.

Yeah I get that. If a human being is calling you a dude and you want to identify as something else then they are just being a dick and I get why that would suck.

Oh come on. At what point is it just ridiculous? Idk what non-binary even means. They are a man and a woman? How does that even work?

Some people care about their customization in the RPG genre. Pronouns are something that is being implemented in other games and it’s in demand despite what a small minority think in his thread.

So now you’re saying you speak for all trans people? I didn’t even claim to represent anyone. Big hypocrite.

Back to the topic, I don’t think anything related to what you said has anything to do with adding pronouns. I’m going to safely disregard any further discussion with you on this.

So these are large swaths of players legitimately being offended by NPCs?

Our species is doomed.

Most of the time if I’m misgendered, my guildmates politely correct it and it’s no big deal.

It’s similar to a third gender which has been seen around various cultures for centuries, except for it’s not tied to a specific culture. They’re people whose sense of self is neither male nor female or not fully male nor female.

Most non-binary people go by they/them and sometimes may present androgynous. Hence the mention.

It’s generally a harmless.

I also know people who are agender. Which is basically a gender of “no.”

No. I don’t think so. This is just Troollinn trolling.

Why are you still posting about trans issues? Are you trans? No? :clap: STOP :clap: SPEAKING :clap: FOR :clap: TRANS :clap: PEOPLE :clap:.

If anyone like this actually existed why would they give a crap what the NPC referred to them as?

I feel like people are just making up more and more ridiculous things at this point to try and see how far they can push things.

“Oh your trans. Hold my beer, I’m not a gender at all”

In 5 years we will have people identifying as vampires unironically fighting for vampire rights.


Because it is shoved down people’s throats 24/7 at school, at work, in media and on the internet.

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Agreed. I used to love watching ESPN / Sportscenter. I’ve nearly completely stopped because half the time they’re not even talking sports but social issues like racism.

Like, there’s tons of news channels and talk shows that talk about all that stuff ad nauseam. Just let sports be sports. Sorry, kinda went off the rails there. But yes, I agree 100%


Do you know why? It’s because it’s a real problem that isn’t being addressed. Unfortunately desperate times call for desperate measures. Sometimes the best way to get peoples attention for serious issues is through entertainment.

My raid guild had a non-binary raid lead. They’ve never mentioned anything about what pronouns the NPC uses.

They either don’t care or they segregate their avatar ‘character’ from themselves IRL so when the NPC calls them what their avatar is they just don’t care.

I feel like the troll OP is just making crap up.

If they were really genuine they’d do something like suggest a more androgynous looking third option for all races. They’re only mentioning pronouns to try and trigger the conservative players and pit them against the LGBT+ players who largely just want to vibe.

I don’t think things like non-binary, agender, genderfluid, and demi-gender are particularly out there or remarkable.


Did you say demi-gender?

Is that people identifying as the monster from Stranger Things?

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No it’s not. There’s a whole world outside of the right wing bubble. It’s much more diverse than you think.

“I’ve never seen it so it must not be real” is a pretty weak argument.

Yep! Notate the parts where you’re telling other people to ‘get over themselves’ IE trying to make them accommodate for you and making references to ‘holding back real civil movements’ like in your own eyes probably the supposed ‘discrimination’ those that view the world through a heteronormative lens get.

If you don’t think what you’re trying to do isn’t special accommodations, then I suppose asking those to use correct pronouns when referring to me isn’t and your whole point of ‘special accommodations’ is moot.

Your arguments have all been disingenuous, taking people out of context, snipping quotes to fit your agenda, etc. What a surprise.

Sounds like that applies a lot more to you than me, given you went into a thread that wasn’t about you to try to go ‘me me me’! :3

Take your own advice first~

You stated there was one price, you get disproven so now you move the goalposts. :3

Which includes Blizzards EULA and Code of Conduct, it also allows access to Blizzards forum.

Oh no, it’s the scary ‘words I don’t like!’ that are completely normal to explain your behavior.

You’re the one behind on science by over a decade~

Yeah you really should catch up with science, it’s always good to look into it some time after school.

Oh no, it’s a post without substance and off topic! Someone didn’t read the “Welcome, please read!” thread.

non-binary. I am assuming that would be hexadecimal?


Not when they end in a Karen- or Amber Heard-situation where people think they are on top of the world while disruption everyone else’s immersion.


I live in the real world, not a “right wing bubble”. You don’t have to be “right wing” to think that the obsession with gender is nonsense.


Personally, IDC if they add extra genders or not. I use TRP to do what the basic game/UI does not. It has a pronoun section and many other amazing things.