Blizzard favors druids and leaves all other clases in the dirt

“Linguistic shenanigans” is taking a step back and looking at things from a more mature perspective?

You’ve… checked out of sanity lmao. Righteo then chap.

Seriously? You’re on an RP server and don’t know how basic sentence structure works and that you can influence someone’s entire opinion of something as an onlooker by omitting certain facts? You’re either clueless or intentionally trying to feign ignorance.

“This person killed a guy.” gets a completely different response than “This guy killed a guy in self defense while they were attempting to rob them.” One comes off as unprovoked homicide, the other comes off as self defense, thus utterly changing the dynamic and how people will interpret said information.

I shouldn’t have to be educating a roleplayer on basic communication, but here we are because peak clown world.

Deliberately lying about the argument of both sides and intentionally framing it in a biased point of view isn’t mature. It’s an uneducated perspective because to maintain the perspective you’re trying to convey requires you to know literally nothing regarding the circumstances, or be so hopelessly hedonistic that you don’t care it throws the entire credibility of the company on any promise of things going forward into question so long as you get things. This is 12 year old mentality.

Tell any random onlooker the actual cases being made and the actual facts such as “Blizzard told us a year before the expansion and all during it these things were going away and would be an exclusive unlockable only during a timeframe.” You’ll get a completely different response than what you’re trying to trivialize it as which is “People don’t want people to have things.”

That’s such a childish way of looking at it and you’re trying to say it’s the “more mature” response. Get over yourself.

Yeahhhh you’ve definitely taken a mental vaycay. :joy:
Read that first sentence and saw the rest underneath and was like YIKES. 0/10 would not recommend.

More like you realize you’re completely out of your depth in this discussion. To this point you still have yet to provide any argument of substance. All you can do is pretend this is a matter of “muh elitist don’t want me to have nice things!” when it isn’t, then do these pathetic dismissals because you know you can’t make a point to save your life.

No I just can’t take someone like you seriously, you’re a little too unhinged lmao. Have you read what you’ve typed out?

Dude, look in a mirror. It’s amusing you’d try to say “I can’t take you seriously” when unlike you I’m actually giving you reasons. What have you done yet? Oh look, just another dismissal because I don’t agree with you.

You’re behaving like a petulant child, I really don’t care about your opinion of what I have to say. Really, I don’t because from this discussion it’s been clear you aren’t a person with the intelligence to warrant me actually caring about what they have to say.

Inb4 some other smarmy dismissal like “lmao so toxic” because yet again you still have not given an actual counter argument. You’re just upset I called you out on your BS openly and trying to save face. Hilariously enough, the fact that people on the side parading for bringing back the Mage Tower appearances all act exactly like you. You don’t come off as adults, you come off as children. NOBODY takes you seriously because it just reads like a child throwing a tantrum in the store because they didn’t get the candy bar.

I can just imagine the absolute rage and ferocity you’re unleashing on your keyboard at the moment. Poor thing.

They don’t ‘favor’ it, it’s merely a company hearing many people talk about it for the years after and agreed, probably talked about it, saw they could do it in time, and I think also used it as a ‘marketing’ hype tool to hook some peoples’ interest.

Off topic but regarding the Book mount, they probably had the book mount from earlier I believe as concept and thought it would be a great mount-reward and put it in for the achieve.

So it’s really just two things they saw would serve as good rewards.

They only did bears bc they were so desired. If it was up to blizz even bears wouldn’t get their form, just crappy recolored gear like the rest of us.

I mean, I wouldn’t start somewhere other than the Mage Tower, but yes, I agree with the title.

Nah. Gatekeeper here, pleased with the tower coming back cause its super fun content. Don’t mind the bear since its basically a tmog set for druids and werebear is a unique model.

People who did not complete the challenges back in the day though should in no way shape or form be allowed to aquire the weapon appearances today. Glad they agreed.

Same. They’re on a real hotstreak with losing players lately. Accelerating the demise leads to great entertainment when they scramble to get them back and it doesn’t work so they start throwing out more desperate attempts hoping something sticks.

Glad we’re on the same page. :smiley:

Please, if this is the thing that really sends you to another game, i doubt they care about you lmao.

If you’re going to be such a petulant child over something you had the opportunity to earn back then but didn’t because you either didn’t play or couldn’t manage the skill requirement, thats a you problem.

This game could do with many less entitled babies.

I assure you, not a single person will miss you or your sub, blizzard least of all.

You’re not very good at hiding who you are with the alt. :joy:
Couldn’t even keep it together for two posts, smh.

This is my main actually, you imbecile. This is all I post with, but thanks. Moron. I don’t hide behind lvl 20s like most of you children.

That rage gives it away way too easily. :joy:

Says Blizzard doesn’t need money and then calls someone a moron. Classic.

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Everyone needs money, but they’re not going to cry over a couple 15 dollar subs, i assure you.

If this were their only popular game? Maybe. But its not. Move along.

Blizzard has another popular game that generates a significant amount of income?